Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
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how having Opensearch and openserach dashboard in same docker file

My final goal is to have opensearch and opensearch-dashboard on same unix server without docker But in first time i need to test them in uniq dockerFiles I have tried without succes FROM centos:centos7.9.2009 MAINTAINER me RUN echo…
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how to confirgure the metricbeat data collection and index rotation

i trying to configure metricbeat data collection with date wise pattern and tired to rotate the metricbeat logs and made changes in metricbeat.ym in output.elasticsearch: session the changes are indices: - index:…
0 answers

How to use "exclude_line" in filebeat yml

I'm trying to exclude a specific type if lines from my logs but not sure what regex pattern I should be using. Please advise. I want to exclude any lines that have "/ws/api/authenticate". Example line: [01/Mar/2022:13:16:10 -0500]…
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Evebox doesn´t connect to elasticsearch

I have an evebox showing me this error when it connects to my elasticsearch. here it is my evebox.yml and sytemctl status evebox.service outputs data-directory: /var/lib/evebox http: tls: enabled: false certificate:…
0 answers

ElasticSearch Cluster on AKS with loadbalancer

I am trying to deploy elasticsearch to AKS with a loadbalancer. What I am struggling to achieve is to have a load balancer that only directs traffic to my client nodes. This is what I have: ElasticSearch dployment YAML: apiVersion:…
0 answers

How to fetch Individual output of different match_phrase inside one request

I am able to run below query which is giving response as total of two match_phrase. Inserting dummy data as below. POST /mod1/_bulk { "index" : { } } { "msg": "BA1" } { "index" : { } } { "msg": "BA2" } { "index" : { } } { "msg": "BA2" } { "index" :…
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1 answer

How to pass values to query externally

I have below similar logs. I have created dummy index and created mapping like below in dev-tools PUT new { "mappings": { "properties": { "@timestamp": { "type": "date", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" } …
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0 answers

Elasticsearch php client : server priority

Actual configuration: Consider a cluster of Elasticsearch 6.8 servers. Each server node has a cluster of ETL nodes (PHP Elasticsearch client). All the ETLs are configured to connect to all Elasticsearches. Datacenter A Elasticsearch server ETL…
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Can logstash "pull" data?

I have two servers. Server A is running Elasticsearch and Logstash. Server B is running filebeat and is also the server which contains all the logs I'm trying to analyse. Server A is behind a firewall, it can reach out to the internet, but there's…
Aditya K
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Enabling the elasticsearch token service without enabling TLS

I've got elasticsearch and kibana running in docker containers, on an isolated docker network. The only port that is "exposed" is Kibana's (unencrypted) web interface. And this is only exposed on localhost; there's an nginx instance in front of it…
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0 answers

Finding source of high IOWait

I have a 5 node elasticsearch cluster. One host has had consistently high IOWait% (40+) for several weeks. The others seem fine (<10%). Notable: Host in question is not the cluster master New indexes are randomly distributed among all 5 hosts IOTop…
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Elasticsearch on docker fills up the disk quickly with no apparent reason

For quite a few months everything was working fine and this problem didn't exists. After a crash loop in one of the containers which started producing a lot of logs the server got full. That problem got solved but now when I run my docker stack…
0 answers

Fluentd unable to parse Json logs generated from node pm2 server

I am using fluentd, Elasticsearch and Grafana stack for logging and monitoring setup. I am tailing the logs(in JSON format) coming from NodeJS container/pod deployed in EKS cluster and dumping into Elasticsearch. Problem The log format coming in…
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1 answer

graylog 4.0 - Injector could not be created

Trying to set up graylog with official graylog2.graylog ansible role. Installed Elasticsearch (v7.10.2) cluster on three separate servers with official elasticsearch ansible role (node_1 - master, node_2 and node_3 - data) - no problems so far. When…
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Running Enterprise Search as a service

Elastic's Enterprise Search Installation Guide goes as far as starting the process locally - which is obviously not very stable. When installed from a .deb or .rpm, a service is actually set up and ready to use but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to…
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