Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
1 answer

"mapper_parsing_exception" error from Elasticsearch failing to parse [timestamp] from %{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}

I've configured Logstash to filter httpd_access_log messages and grok the fields associated with COMBINEDAPACHELOG. However, I'm receiving errors like the following: [2017-02-10T15:37:39,361][WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Failed action.…
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Elasticsearch Delete Index with Special Characters

Unfortunately i created an Index in Elasticsearch with the name: "%{[@metadata][beat]}-2016.11.17" Any Idea how to delete it, and not run into Problems with the special Characters? What i tried - on console: curl -XDELETE -g…
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Secure Elasticsearch with Apache 2.4

I have an Elasticsearch 1.7.5 instance running on a Ubuntu 16.04 server that I need to test after opening it up to the internet. I know you can use Mod Rewrite on Apache to lock down HTTP request methods (PUT, GET, POST, etc). I can currently…
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cloudformation circular dependancy with elasticsearch

I'm trying to create a cloudformation template that will have, among other things, an ec2 instance with and EIP and an elasticsearch domain. The issue is that I'm creating a circular dependancy that I'm unable to figure out how to uncouple. Here…
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elastic search repo creation

I have configured elasticsearch with cluster and I have on nfs shared folder that mounted but when I try to create and repo path with this location I have faced some issues with permission error": { "root_cause": [ { …
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elasticsearch: limiting disk space

I'm using elasticsearch in conjunction with Graylog. Is there a way to limit the size of the elasticsearch database, possibly using a round-robin database approach for the logs? My setup is relatively small (~100GiB database), and I'm aware that…
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Ubuntu 16 server, systemctl restart elasticsearch does nothing, and there's no log

On ubuntu 16 lts server system, a newly installed elasticsearch instance won't start up with systemctl restart elasticsearch (or with start). No logs are created, manually running /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch as user elasticsearch…
Warren P
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Logstash only updates S3 access log indices once per hour

I use a combination of Logstash and the AWS Elasticsearch service to index S3 access logs. The logs are collected in an S3 bucket, processed with the Logstash S3 input filter, renamed after they are processed and then archived in another bucket. I…
Garreth McDaid
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Encrypting volumes of a mongo/elasticsearch cluster

I have mongodb and elasticsearch cluster. I want to encrypt the volumes associated with all the instances running in the cluster. If I encrypt only one volume among the cluster than the cluster will be working normally? Or do I need to encrypt all…
2 answers

Kibana @timestamp mapping & filter

I'm using following system/package: $ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) $ rpm -q filebeat filebeat-1.3.0-1.x86_64 $ with /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml: $ cat /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml filebeat: prospectors: - …
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How to troubleshoot LogStash on Windows when there are no reported errors?

I'm setting up LogStash on Windows and made a test launch of logstash.bat from the console to see if it process records from the log4net file. Here is what it reported but I don't see any records in the target ES although there are records in the…
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Fluentd elasticsearch comprssion

I forward logs from app servers with fluentd (type tail) to elasticsearch server. Do not understand the following: Can I enable for reducing traffic the compression transmitted logs with type tail or another type?
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ElasticSearch Cluster fails 5 minutes after starting on Azure

I am trying to build an ElasticSearch cluster on Azure. I have done it successfully for testing purposes with 3 VM's under the same virtual network. It functioned very good. Because of my subscription limits, I distrubuted those 3 VM into 3…
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1 answer

How to use influxdb as a datasource for elasticsearch?

I have a usecase where I would like to store conversation (chat) history in influxdb but I would like to have search capability of this textual conversation history, for which I would like to use elasticsearch. How should I use influxdb as a…
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ElasticSearch enforce master shard allocation & Improve cross DC write speed

I currently run three Elasticsearch nodes. Each one in a different data center (EU, US, AP) as an AWS EC2 instance. There are 2 replicas per each shard for each index. Writes go only to the EU node. When you write to the EU, your write might take: ~…
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