I have configured elasticsearch with cluster and I have on nfs shared folder that mounted but when I try to create and repo path with this location I have faced some issues with permission

error": {
      "root_cause": [
            "type": "repository_verification_exception",
            "reason": "[es_backup] [[SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A, 'RemoteTransportException[[tmz-mc2][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[es_backup] store location [/opt/nfsstorage] is not accessible on the node [{tmz-mc2}{SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A}{Q4BYe8zVT5-73PNYRoWuIQ}{}{}]]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/opt/nfsstorage/tests-M9t7KzhsTOmzR5tUVh7utQ/data-SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A.dat];']]"
Dave M
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1 Answers1


Make sure the account under which this ES-node is running has access to the share. This is default set to the Local System account, but in case of shares, you'll need to modify this to an AD-account.

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