Questions tagged [eclipse]

Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment written in Java

From their about page:

Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the Eclipse projects and helps cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products and services.

Official website

49 questions
1 answer

Tomcat not running on eclipse

In order to test the spring framework web services locally via Eclipse Mars, I am trying to setup Tomcat. When I tried to set it up on the servers tab, I could only see Tomcat v6 option. and not sure why it always says stopped whenever I try to…
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2 answers

Loading a project from a virtual machine into Eclipse

Here is the setup - I have a server with the svn repositories containing projects. I have a virtual machine on my Vista computer running FreeBSD acting as a server to test projects locally. Projects are checkedout/committed/updated from the virtual…
0 answers

WebApp won't compile in CentOS 7 server, but does compile in Windows

I am getting a "resource marked as read-only" error when I try to compile a war file on a CentOS 7 installation. But the same eclipse project does not throw any compilation error on Windows after I zip the project up, transfer it to windows, and…
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1 answer

How to add a puppet module to Gepetto, when using git?

I followed some "best practices" from Puppet 2.7 Cookbook and created agent - puppet master framework, with git cvs. Unfortunately, the book doesn't cover Gepetto, so I am forced to improvise that part. I have one main git repository that contains…
Adam Ryczkowski
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1 answer

Allow Linux developers to work remotely on Linux dektops

My users run either Linux or Windows desktops. They have servers allocated to them with all the internal tools available (for building, running internal applications, ...). Windows users would use Exceed on Demand to login into the Linux server and…
Dat Chu
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3 answers

Tomcat 7 Throwing Unsupported Class Version Error

I'm setting up a Tomcat server to host JSP sites. I have created a test application in Eclipse to make sure everything is working. All it does is print text in JSP, then call a function in a custom class which also prints text. This runs fine in…
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1 answer

Use the Fedora Yum command after installation, how to configure

When i use command "yum install exlipse*"after installtion, display eclipse-cdt,but in eclipse cannot edit C/C++ project, not clear when Yum after general to eclipse do configuration
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Deploying a custom eclipse package

I'm planning to deploy eclipse to approximation 30 workstations running Ubuntu and would like to avoid a long list of settings/downloads that everyone needs to go through before they can start working. The type of things I want to do: Install…
Mr Shark
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1 answer

proper user and group configuration for eclipse android jenkins

On ubuntu 10.0.4 Did sudo su Then installed eclipse in /root/eclipse (only wget and unzip, no apt-get) Then installed android sdk in /root/android-sdk-linux_x86 (only wget and unzip, no apt-get) Run with gksudo /root/eclipse/eclipse & No issues.…
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1 answer

Eclipse for PHP is unable to locate JRE

I have JRE installed on my system. In fact, Eclipse IDE for Java, which also needs JRE, is already running. Now I tried running Eclipse for PHP and it says - A JRE or JDK must be available in order to run eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found…
Sandeepan Nath
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1 answer

Eclipse on Ubuntu: Rectangles instead of Strings and some Java methods and classes

after upgrading from Ubuntu 9.04. to 11.04 (new installation), I have weird problems with the Eclipse editor. With the Eclipse PyDev plugin, whenever I typ single quoted strings like 'bla', they appear as rectangles (both the quotes as well as the…
1 answer

Can't start Eclipse from command line in Ubuntu

If I double-click on the eclipse icon then Eclipse boots up, but for some reason when I navigate to the directory of Eclipse and run something like sudo bash eclipse I get the error that it can't execute a binary file. Which is strange because…
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2 answers

how to install tomcat on windows

Is there any link where i can download the exe file to install tomcat. could not find it what configuration i need to do so that it work with eclispe
1 answer

Shared configuration for Eclipse on Debian server

I've manually installed the latest Eclipse on our debian server and wanted to configure it so all users share the same configuration. It turned out less obvious than I thought: I don't seem to be able to install packages for all users. If I run it…
Joris Meys
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1 answer

Determining End of Line Delimiter

How do you verify what the delimiter for a file is? I'm using eclipse to edit a script file on my windows system that I use to deploy on my unix server. The script specifies file names and I'd like to be certain that eclipse is saving the files with…