Questions tagged [documentation]

117 questions
3 answers

Documenting Group Policy

We as an IT group are about to go through all of our group policies and clean up/enhance them. I am trying to compile an easy to read document on what is configured and what is not. I wanted to ask you guys about how you go about documenting what…
0 answers

Where can I find information about inbuilt registry keys for Windows Server 2008 R2?

Is there a resource for looking up the description and/or usage of W2K8 R2 registry keys? I need to understand integrity checksum change messages appearing in OSSEC logs on Amazon EC2…
3 answers

Wiki Documentation With Permissions

So I've set up a MediaWiki for managing some docs, we have AD integration set up and so far things are going fine... But wow is managing permissions a pain in the butt! Requires editing LocalSettings every time, so as we add new sections I have to…
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Configuring mod_security on Ubuntu 10.04

After spending ~24 hours trying and failing to setup mod_security in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I've finally decided that I'm going to need some help. I've tried pretty much every tutorial I can find with a variety of rule sets - and I never seem to get the…
1 answer

Where can I find detailed documentation for IIS server event id's with their description?

I have been googling for hours now and cant find a thing. I'm looking for more information on IIS Server event IDs. There are plenty of articles/blogposts/forum_articles (from MSDN) on some specific events and their resolution etc., but I simply…
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Enable seeing the PHP source code of my test files from web browser

I would like to make my UnitTests available to see via the browser. My directory structure looks like this: application docs public - index.php tests My DocumentRoot is in the public folder. However, when I try to add an alias /source to my Apache…
Sebastian Hoitz
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3 answers

Is it possible to tell what edition of Windows a domain member is using through AD?

We are in the middle of doing physical inventory of all of our workstations, many of which were deployed in a hurry. Consequently, we do not have all of the information about them documented that we would like. We use a mix of Windows 7 Pro and…
2 answers

Including email, IMs, configs, etc. in documentation or notes

The shop I work in is pretty laid-back. We're on a documentation kick, only because historically we've been very bad with it. We do a lot of our brainstorming in face-to-face meetings, and also do a lot of communication via IM in addition to…
Jason Antman
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5 answers

What to document in my network/domain?

I am doing system admin for a small domain on the corporate network. We have our own DNS, AD, DHCP servers etc and use both HyperV and ESX. What exactly do I need to document for this sort of setup? For example, I have documented all the passwords…
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I am about to create a site bible aka documentation of our web server?

I am creating this in ms word, to create a 3-ring binder with tabs, full of documentation of everything about our web server. What are the main categories that I should include? We have 2 servers, both windows, 1 for web, 1 for sql server, the web…
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5 answers

What to use for small scale server and network documentation? Must run on Linux

Does anyone know of a good program, web service, or CMS for documenting servers, IP addresses, logins, and network? Only requirement it must run on and from Linux. And it is just for a small network of 10-15 servers.
Louise Hoffman
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0 answers

Apache without any auth module

I do not have any need for Authentication/authorization modules on apache2.4, so I proceed to comment out all the Auth modules and all the Require directives. The server goes up fine, but i get a 500 error for everything. And the logs show AH00025:…
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1 answer

Documenting Source Code - Microsoft Word

I'm an intern and I had the opportunity to design and configure an "application server" for my company. It has a variety of important scripts and as part of my process to put it into production I want to document everything for when control needs to…
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1 answer

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 documentation

Does anyone know where I can find documentation for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0? It reached its end of life on 2016-10-11, and MSDN no longer contains documentation for this product. The Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 content has been retired from…
2 answers

Get man page out of preformatted cat page

Is there a way to get the source out of the a preformatted man page? I need to parse the man page sources on different platforms and on one pc there are only cat pages, and I don't want to write 2 scripts for both situations. Greets, Oliver
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