Questions tagged [document-management]

41 questions
3 answers

Can you exclude items from certain folders from appearing in the Recent Items\Jump Lists feature of Win 7 start menu?

to be clear, I like the 'Recent Items' feature. I do not want to turn it off. We integrate all of Office with a document management system (DMS), Interwoven's FileSite, and because of this integration we have had to turn off the Recent Items…
Jordan W.
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Secure corporate document storage

One of the more interesting arguments currently rumbling around the office is the lack of backup for the HR person's laptop. This contains a copy of the contract and other HR type info on every member of staff we've got working here. It's certainly…
Tom O'Connor
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7 answers

automatically keeping track of users who have edited a word document

Is there a way to determine what login names have edited a Microsoft Word document? For example student A turns in an assignment completed in class, but student b actually was the one to do it. This could be proven if the author field of the…
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4 answers

Document Control System

Organization is going to receive a bunch of technical documents from contractor - drawings, procedures, etc. - for the whole plant. Currently contractor keeps its project documentation in Lotus Domino. What software you recommend for Document…
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Simple open-source solution for PDF document storage and search-based retrieval

I am involved with a very small residential management company which has a lot of documents that I want to digitise into PDF and put on the web for all residents to access. Many people are not technical, so something simple to use is essential. I…
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1 answer

Simple document/file management software

I'm looking for a simple way to share documents/files with other people via a web-based interface. The requirements are the following: runs on Linux web-based download/upload versioning basic authorization (users/groups) free The enduser-visible…
5 answers

Online Document Portal Solution?

Apologies if this question isn't relevant. I'm looking for a product which will provide some kind of document portal for customers. Simple idea is I upload document to customer area, where the customer can see that document (once they have…
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Recommendation for Document Management Solution

We've just been informed by our software vendor that the custom document management system they'd written is no longer in development, and will not be supported in the future. So we are looking at new document management…
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5 answers

Best way to implement a document server

I want to implement a task managing service which will have some documents associated to it. Essentially it will have task and each task will have none or several documents (word, pdf,s mp3, images, whatever.) I thought of implementing it with two…
1 answer

Migrating Laserfiche to Alfresco

Possible Duplicate: Laserfiche migration to Alfresco There has been some discussion of how to migrate a Laserfiche repository to Alfresco. Has anyone successfully done so, and what was your method? Keep in mind the repository in question is ~100…
1 answer

Sharing Sharepoint documents outside intranet

My company utilizes Sharepoint 2007 internally to store and share documents. Now, however, we would like to include our customers in more of the development. Therefore we want to be able to share our internal Sharepoint documents with them. Of…
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Document Management and Naming Conventions/Best Practices

We are in the planning stages of deploying a SharePoint server that will be used for our organization's intranet. As part of the deployment, we are going to be centralizing all of the internal documents. As you can imagine, there is no…
Psycho Bob
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2 answers

Is it possible to link discrete VPN networks?

Our firm is partnered with a smaller firm that would like to outsource part of their IT infrastructure to us. Specifically, they would like to use the same document management software that we do, and they would like us to host it for them. They…
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Problems saving encrypted emails from Outlook into Document Management System

We use a commercially available Document Management System (DMS) which integrates with Microsoft Outlook 2010. This allows users to save important emails in the DMS so that their colleagues have access to them as well. At the request of a 3rd party,…
3 answers

Document Management System for Small Business

dHi Guys, Just a questions, I am trying to find out what is a suitable document management system that can replace our physical file management and reasonable in price. It's for a small law firm, currently the physical file holds all printed…