Questions tagged [document-management]

41 questions
1 answer

Share documents in SBS 2008

Does Windows Small Business Server 2008 has a solution to share (create, update, save) local documents via http? Something like google docs.. Thanks
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Results of Inmagic Presto DMS searches via the web service API are not in order of relevance

I am using the Presto Web Service API against a Presto 3.5 installation. When I call AdvanceSearchResultIds, passing a search phrase, the results are not ordered by the relevance of the result to the search phrase so the best results are not at the…
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Date range search error with Inmagic Presto DMS

When I try searching for objects in Inmagic Presto 3.5 within a date range I get redirected to the "We are sorry" error page. Here's an example search making use of the built-in DateCreated field on the built-in Profile…
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3 answers

Document server

I have a bunch of pdfs and other textfiles. I would like some software that scans a folder with all my files, and the presents them on an html page. Preferable some kind of search tool added to it also. I'm runnings linux, currently centos and…
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6 answers

how i can write a professional documentaion for big network

I design a big network and i want to document my design in documentation . all thing swhitch, router, server and ip address ........ and i want to simulate it and draw it if anyone have a sample of documentaion to complex network system please…
2 answers

Retrieve My Documents After Being Removed From Domain

A friend of mine asked me to setup a home network which consists of a few computers and a printer as his employer had recently gone out of business. 2 of the laptops were brand new and 1 was his own which he used on the companies old network. I…
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2 answers

Life Cycle Navigator?

In many environments the file system directory structure and naming conventions attempt to allow one to use a file manager to navigate the life cycle of a document. This overloading of functions makes it difficult for users to handle the…
CW Holeman II
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0 answers

Deployment view of test environment

I have an application (web-based) running on the cloud on AWS Resources and is deployed to the production environment, passing through the following environments Development Staging QA Production Each deployment is container-based and uses docker…
Anuj TBE
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Looking for simple searchable DMS

We have a project with a looooot of documents (Word,Excel, TXT, Pdf, ...). Currently, we simply store it on a shared folder. But it has soon become not manageable. Do you know any simple open source (and free or cheap, even for commercial use) DMS…
Raphael Jolivet
1 answer

Intranet online document collaboration tool for text and/or spreadsheet documents?

I'm looking for a collaboration tool similar to Google Docs but with one major difference: be able to run the collaboration document editing tool on intranet - nobody from outside the intranet should be able to access the data. I'm aware about…
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Why are my SharePoint downloads not completing for outside users?

I am using WSS 3.0 with Microsoft Server 2003. I am running into the following problem. On a pretty frequent basis, outside users are having trouble downloading documents. Some downloads are completing while the download is still incomplete. So…
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