Questions tagged [docker-networking]

57 questions
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How to setup firewall rules for rootless docker

I am new with docker and have installed docker in rootless mode, which works just fine. The problem is that with this the guides for firewall with docker does not work (I have no network-interface 'docker0' nor a iptables-chain 'DOCKER-USER') and I…
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API requests delayed among docker swarm cluster's nodes & containers

In the process of migrating our docker infrastructure to a docker swarm cluster we are experiencing performance issues when containerized APIs are calling outside ressources (e.g. elasticsearch queries to elastic cloud, or other API's on MS Azure,…
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Create UDP forwarders imitating multiple network elements that use the same port

Given: I have a containerized service that sends UDP packets to a list of network elements (3rd party syslog sink servers). Each target network element is specified by IP address, its port number is constant, the same for each node. I need to…
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Nginx can't be reached inside the docker container. What have I left out?

I've run out of ideas as to why I can't connect to this nginx inside or outside of the docker. I can understand that networking might cause a problem outside the machine, but even inside the docker nginx is not responding even though you can see it…
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Create a containerized reverse proxy with multiple sites on a separate IP Address

I administer a small cluster which has several different services running, including grafana monitoring as a container, cloud file storage as a container (nextcloud), and a FreeIPA server on bare metal. I want to put the cloud storage service behind…
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Does bridge networking mode in ECS limit number of tasks on container instance

I have an EC2 registered to ECS cluster on which tasks can run. Originally I chose the awsvpc network mode so every task(container) had it's own ENI(IP). But I ran into limitation at…
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Remote mysql server in docker container - access using macvlan and wireguard?

Situation: Several VPS servers around the US connected to my laptop via wireguard mesh network. For wireguard mesh network Im using tool called innernet ( So basically its like my laptop and vps servers are on…
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Which connections/interfaces are in zone 'docker'?

Executing the below command on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS sudo firewall-cmd --list-all-zone gives me these block, dmz, docker (active), drop, external, home, internal, public, trusted, work, The thing which is bothering me is the current one selected shown…
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Cannot bind port 111 on docker on WSL2 on windows, but port is (apparently?) currently free

Setup I have this setup: Windows 10 pro with WSL2 with an Ubuntu 20.04 inside. Inside the Ubuntu, I have a running docker engine that has been working perfectly for over during months, exposing multiple ranges of ports with dozens of images and…
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docker-proxy port 5000 not obeying firewall-cmd rules

I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9, where I'm trying to block docker-proxy TCP port 5000 via firewall-cmd. I am using the default public zone as the only active zone and have tried the following individually and in combination: Removed port…
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Docker create ipvlan network : Gateway Address already in use

I have one simple server with a bunch of docker containers running on an ipvlan network, which uses as it's net. In there is a gateway and everything is working great. I need to run one container in a different vlan, so I created an…
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Docker network layer resolving container name to wrong IP adress

In a simplified example, I have 3 Docker containers located on 2 Docker networks: Container_A : Connected to Network_1 and Network_2 Container_B : Connected to Network_1 Container_C : Connected to Network_2 When running ping Container_B from inside…
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