Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
0 answers

What is the difference between creating a volume in docker-compose and in docker file?

I discovered docker-compose a few days ago. I saw that it has a neat way to create volumes for serveral containers without any problems. However, as far as I know it is possible to do the same in the respective docker files which produced each…
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How do I do a correct reverse-proxy to a Redis instance?

I'm running an application called Ambar on a (Samba)fileserver. I want users in my network to be able to search for documents freely, and securely. Since Ambar runs on HTTP, and the server already has Apache on it from before, I decided to set up a…
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Docker errors - Nginx keeps looking for files under /etc/nginx/html

I have a seperate docker container setup with Lesencrypt (using nginx, nginx-gen, nginx-letsencrypt) The Nginx and app containers are working fine but I see errors in Docker logs for Nginx. I have the volumes for nginx docker at: -…
2 answers

Cannot block port 21 and 5222 via iptables (due to docker?)

I'm trying to get just port 80, 443 and SSH open on my Ubuntu VM. I'm running Docker which I think is what is causing port 21 and 5222 to be visible. telnet HOST 21 Trying HOST... Connected to HOST. Escape character is '^]'. sudo iptables --list…
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1 answer

Serve Django Media Files via Nginx (Django/React/Nginx/Docker-Compose)

Context I have a single page web app using the following stack: React for the frontend Django for the backend Nginx for the webserver The web application is dockerized using docker-compose. My React app, fetches data from the Django server…
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TCP connections between docker containers timeout after ~10000 connections

I have 2 containers defined in a docker-compose.yml file, and am using them to run some rspec tests in a CI pipeline - the first container executes the tests, the second is an nginx container that is configured to perform redirects for many…
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Not able to reach container running in a localhost docker swarm cluster

If that's interesting: OS: WIN10 (cygwin), code written in Java. I am using hyperv VMs as stated in this guide: this I'd expect to reach the service in front of the container, which is running on port 80, using myvm1IP:80 (browser ir curl). Somehow…
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1 answer

AWX docker-compose stop not working

I'm pretty new to docker-compose and I can't seem to make this work. I have been following this guide for installing AWX and has been successful so far. But when trying to stop everything using docker-compose as instructed in the document, I am…
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3 answers

Docker: how to sync date between a CentOs host and a Debian container?

I have a CentOs host running a docker Debian container. The container has the wrong localtime and timezone: how can I synchronize it with the host date? I'm trying with mounting volumes on the docker-compose with /etc/localtime but it doesn't…
Alessandro C
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Using Environment variable in proxy_pass nginx

I have nginx container where I want to forward an api call to another server. I want to pass in environment variables from Docker Compose to be able to change sites, without rebuilding the Docker Image. My setup: #docker-compose.yml services: …
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running mongodb with ssl and docker secrets docker-compose sample

I'm new to docker. The developers on my work create a docker-compose with mongodb and core application setup, although its funcional, they didin't setup SSL for the application, mongodb isn't configured with ssl either, and all login and…
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How do I access docker container from external network using domain name

I have the following docker-composer.yml apache: domainname: dev hostname: server image: arm32v7/httpd:2.4 depends_on: - php - mysql networks: frontend: aliases: - apache -…
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docker-compose fails to spin up a gerrit container due to permission errors

I'm trying to spin up a gerrit workspace on ubuntu following the details provided in the following link. However, this keeps failing only in when trying to initialise gerrit. If I run with sudo, I get…
1 answer

Docker - PHP 7.2 FPM Alpine - Imagick

I'm using Docker image php:7.2-fpm-alpine as base image with following command to install Imagick: RUN apk add --update --no-cache autoconf g++ imagemagick-dev libtool make pcre-dev \ && pecl install imagick \ && docker-php-ext-enable…
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Adding a prefix to hostnames with docker compose?

I'm using docker compose to create a bunch of containers, and the internal hostname is the container ID; when each container registers its hostname in ... whatever (but consul in this instance) it's hard to tell the hosts apart. In particular, when…
Roger Lipscombe
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