Questions tagged [dns-record]

13 questions
1 answer

Does a single Root Name Server and a TLD Name Server have only one Zone file?

Is it correct to say a single Root Name Server and a TLD Name Server will have only a single Zone file inside them? and this single Zone file (within Root Name Server and a TLD Name Server) will only have NS records (& possibly Glue records)? The…
1 answer

Understanding NS Record and Authorative Server Better

I'm trying to understand how DNS works. Even after a quiet amount of searching it's still not clear to me how NS record works. Now I've following two facts. Fact 1 (based on this article, the first paragraph) An NS record or (name server record)…
0 answers

How to create local DNS zone in BIND?

Can anyone help me regarding a BIND9 recursive DNS server? The server is functioning correctly in relation to recursion. I need to create a local, static ZONE entry for a given host. No inbound working like this: local-zone: "" static …
1 answer

Main domain working but not subdomain

I modified my dns record with my hosting provider in order to settle a subdomain, and they asked me to wait 24 hours to 48 for propagation while the TTL is 1 hour. (the ip adress in the picture below belong to my cpanel server ) Here is a screenshot…
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NAPTR DNS record pointing to a data URI?

Do web browsers consider NAPTR records in DNS resolution? If so, could you set one up to point a domain name to a data URL e.g. data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==? Is there any way to do this?
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3 answers

450 4.7.25 Client host rejected

On #Exchange2013 I am getting the error message as follows, generated the error '[{LRT=};{LED=450 4.7.25 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, []};{FQDN=};{IP=}]'. I am getting this error message only when the user sends…
2 answers

What is the difference between DNS Lookup and DNS Resolution?

I have traversed through many websites, tutorials, documentations or personal blogs; yet, I couldn't find an exact and clear (scientific) definition (or distinction) of these two: DNS Lookup process DNS Resolution process My understanding (what I…
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Is there a way to configure DNS records to ultimately resolve a domain (``) to a subdomain (``)?

Currently, I have an AWS S3 Bucket named setup to host static files and a CNAME record with host www and target I would like to set up a DNS record to ultimately resolve the base…
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3 answers

Can I set multiple TXT record on my DNS? (in order to proove the ownership of a domain to 2 mailboxes system)

I am not a system\network engineer (I am a software developer) so this is not my cup of tea. I have the following problem: I am configuring some Office 365 mailboxes for a client (that at the moment is using another old mail service). Following this…
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Wildcard Use in Bind Records to Match some Subdomains

I have a main domain ( with hunderds of subdomains ( I made a wildcard record to forward all subdomains (bb.) to a list of addresses in round-robin fashion. The problem I am fscing is the wildcard is forwarding…
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Difference of Dynamic DNS and Change Zone Automatically by Program

I know DDNS is translating Dynamic IP (IP which always changes in a device) to a Domain, but I don't know how the story behind it or I don't know how does it work. I'm using bind9 as DNS server, we know in bind9, there file contain record file. Then…
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Google Cloud DNS explanation

I tried using Google Public DNS to Resolve DNS Records where I tried Below is the result but can somebody explain to me the results? I can not find in the internet any guide on these results.. What does Status:0 means? What is TC, RD,…
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Why is my apex ALIAS record not updating?

I registered my Cloudfront endpoint as an apex ALIAS for my website (TTL:10800). It has been working perfectly for months. Thi ALIAS record is managed by I want to update my ALIAS record with another Cloudfront endpoint proxying a new…