I am not a system\network engineer (I am a software developer) so this is not my cup of tea.

I have the following problem: I am configuring some Office 365 mailboxes for a client (that at the moment is using another old mail service).

Following this official documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider?view=o365-worldwide

I have to add the TXT record (provided into the Office 365 control panel) in order to proove that I have the ownership of the specified domain.

So this is not my territory and I have the following doubt: at the moment they are using another e-mail system (that will be replaced but that must still work for some days, I can't stop it now).

So set this TXT record means to add a new TXT record (in order to prove thath I own this domain). In this case I will have 2 TXT record (one for Office 365 and the other one for the old memail system and both should works fine) or it means that I have to replace the old TXT record? (in this case I suppose that the old e-mail system will not recognize my domain anymore and it could be a problem).

So my doubt is: in a domain can I have more that a single TXT record? This can have some impact on the old e-mail system that must still work for some days?

Thank you

3 Answers3


Can I set multiple TXT records on my DNS?

Yes, any name on the DNS can have multiple TXT records attached to it. There is no real practical limit.

Also, TXT records to prove ownership are typically short term: once ownership is proved you can most of the time remove them without problems. But double check with the entity requesting the presence of those TXT records.

Patrick Mevzek
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in a domain can I have more that a single TXT record?

Yes. It's not uncommon to find DNS zones with multiple TXT records for validation of a variety of services, such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, etc., etc.

The TXT record has no relation to your email.

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Yes, you could configure multiple txt records on your DNS, Since a domain supports multiple TXT records.

Here are some similar threads for your reference: Multiple TXT fields for same subdomain and Can I add two TXT records in DNS

Joy Zhang
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