Questions tagged [django]

Django, "the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines", is a Python-based framework for creating web applications. With a powerful object-based database mapper, a clean syntax for mapping URLs to views, a simple template language and a convenient automatically generated administration interface, Django is the most popular of the Python web frameworks.

1015 questions
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Error: "invalid number of arguments in "uwsgi_param" directive" on nginx restart

CentOS 6.6, nginx 1.0.15. I'm trying to configure nginx <-> uwsgi <-> Django stack, using this tutorial. The nginx conf file is: upstream django { server; } server { listen 8000; server_name; # an IP address…
Vadim Tikanov
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Time out when access localhost for ec2 ubuntu server

I am trying to access the local host for my ubuntu server hosted on ec2 when I run python runserver I have my security setting set to port 80 and I want to access…
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Database management

First of all please forgive me if this question is off the topic. I have a developed social networking site where users can upload photos and update status. I thought of hosting in AWS EC2, but to get started it required a credit card which I don't…
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How should I configure my Apache Hosts File to serve a different site for localhost than for my domain/publicip?

I'm trying to test out a LAMP (with PHP5 specifically) setup with Django already serving a website. I want to do the PHP stuff on localhost for now, so that when I do something like this: curl http://localhost/database/script.php?var=1, I get a…
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2 answers

How many VMs is too many?

I have a server with two 2.6GHz quad core processors and 32GB of RAM (along with pleanty of storage). I have a Django app which I intend to run on this server, and I'd like to set up (using VMWare) 2 DB servers (Postgres on Ubuntu), 2-3 app servers…
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Nginx common configuration that I might have missed

I recently moved from Apache Mod_wsgi to Nginx, and I have seen a major improvement on speed a lowering on memory usage and I am generally very happy with the it. I am not a server expert, so please be gentle. I am wondering if there are any small…
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setting up django on a shared server

I would like to learn how to use django, but I have no experience with servers (don't know how to use apache..) and am having trouble getting started. If I only have access to my home directory on a shared server, how should I proceed? How do I…
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Can I optimize this mod_wsgi / apache file better?

I am new to Django/Python/ mod_wsgi, and I was wondering if I could optimize this file to reduce memory usage: ServerRoot "/home//webapps/django_wsgi/apache2" LoadModule dir_module modules/ LoadModule env_module …
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0 answers

Creating customized template on NetBox

Could someone help me, I'm using the version 2.9 of netbox and I want to add my own template and view on the navbar and I don't know how to do it. Please if someone can tell me how to do it.
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django.db.utils.OperationalError: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

I found a Django project and failed to get it running in Docker container in the following way: git clone $ cat requirements.txt in this files the below dependencies had to be…
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2 answers

django.db.utils.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused

I found a Django project and failed to get it running in Docker container in the following way: git clone $ cat requirements.txt in this files the below dependencies had to be…
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1 answer

How two different applications should get served using one single apache2 virtualhost configuration

Just for assumption here which is my php application and is python application I have following settings in my apache site config file /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf
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Running django and gunicorn on raspberry pi

So I am trying to follow this here: except on the latest raspberry pi. I think or thought I had everything configured…
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Docker nginx Cannot start service

I am running docker and with that I am using nginx and cant start server on localhost full tracktrace ERROR: for nginx Cannot start service nginx: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nz01…
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Apache persists on not wanting to redirect to https

I know many people have ask similar not to say the same question before: How can I redirect http to https (Using Apache)?/Why does it not do so? There is even a "code" snippet on the Wikipedia page of HTTP 301 status code that redirects to…
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