
I am trying to connect with the internal docker registry of an openshift cluster with

/bin/docker login -u user -p password` `oc get svc -n default | grep docker-registry `:5000

Getting the following message:

Error response from daemon: Get https://VirtualIP:5000: cannotconnect
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1 Answers1


I'm going to assume that you are using OpenShift version 4. Possibly this may even be in the form of CodeReady Containers (a single-node OpenShift 4 developer type of environment).

OpenShift will expose its container registry on the following URL:


(where apps-crc.testing is the application domain you have in your deployment). Note that this is for EXTERNAL access to the image repository; internally you'll want to refer to an image (in this case, the image 'shiny-proxy:latest' in the project 'shiny') as follows:


For CodeReady Containers, you might see: https://code-ready.github.io/crc/#accessing-the-internal-openshift-registry_gsg

Which will also help you with certificate issues (eg. self-signed certificates).

Pay particular attention to how you login; you don't use a password, but instead you use a token, which you can get with 'oc whoami -t'.

PS> docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) `

Special note for CodeReady Containers and 'vsock' mode

If you are using the 'vsock' mode. You'll need to port-forward to the image-registry service (as kubeadmin; developer user won't have access). Additionally, the Docker daemon will need to be able to connect to that forwarded port, and won't work, so allow the port-forward to be connected to from (note potential access issue) and have Docker connect to 'host.docker.internal'.

PS> oc -n openshift-image-registry port-forward service/image-registry 5000:5000 --address

You need to adjust the Docker Daemon's insecure registries to add host.docker.internal:

  "registry-mirrors": [],
  "insecure-registries": [
  "debug": false,
  "experimental": false,
  "features": {
    "buildkit": true
PS> docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) host.docker.internal:5000

Granted, the name 'host.docker.internal' is misleading as to this being the OpenShift internal registry. Let's tag and push an image into OpenShift

PS> docker tag openshift-r-shiny:latest host.docker.internal:5000/cameron-rshiny/openshift-r-shiny:latest
docker push host.docker.internal:5000/cameron-rshiny/openshift-r-shiny:latest


PS> oc -n cameron-rshiny get is
NAME                IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                                           TAGS     UPDATED
openshift-r-shiny   default-route-openshift-image-registry.apps-crc.testing/cameron-rshiny/openshift-r-shiny   latest   About a minute ago

See also [Epic] daemon GA

Cameron Kerr
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