Questions tagged [debootstrap]

4 questions
1 answer

debootstrap "Release signed by unknown key"

# debootstrap buster /srv/buster I: Retrieving InRelease I: Checking Release signature E: Release signed by unknown key (key id DCC9EFBF77E11517) Where do I get this release key, and How do I add this release key to the debootstrap trust?
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1 answer

How to 'apt-get upgrade' a debootstraped chroot jail from outside?

I have a daemon running in a chroot jail that I have generated with debootstrap. I'd like to remove apt and dpkg from the jail, but I want to keep the other packages updated. Can I upgrade the packages in the jail, running apt-get from outside?
0 answers

What to use as an installer bootstrap?

I've got some embedded systems which I'd like to deploy a debootstrap-prepared Ubuntu rootfs to. But I need some kind of a stub which I can use to boot these systems, either via USB or PXE. Basic requirements: Recent-ish kernel (>3.8) Starts SSH…
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1 answer

Debootstrap armhd Buster: unable to get local issuer certificate

I have a Bash script that creates an .img file that will be copied on SD cards for ARM devices. The debootstrap command is executed to install a minimal Debian Stretch system (armhf), then a script is executed in chroot (software installation, user…
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