Questions tagged [database-replication]

99 questions
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How can I efficiently create daily write replicas of an RDS instance?

We're looking to create a replica of a postgres RDS instance that our developers can write to (not just a simple read replica that AWS can easily provide). Currently we run a script nightly that restores a snapshot of the master instance as the…
2 answers

Ubuntu 2 Node Cluster Postgresql 9.3 with pacemaker and Streaming Replication

I'm trying to setup a 2 Node Cluster with Postresql 9.3 and Streaming Replication. Streaming Replication is successfully configured. Master is listen up and is sending to slave. I can do failover manually with creating the trigger file and failback…
1 answer

Very strange disk-usage for replica in Mongodb

tl;dr: the new 2.6 replica eats up a lot more disk space than the 2.4 members. We're heavy users of MongoDB's GridFS. We're currently on 2.4, and are intending to upgrade to 2.6 by simply adding a new replica members and gradually deprecate the 2.4…
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Running a database heavy webapp in the UK and Aus server setup

I am running a webapp from a uk datacenter. Speed is fine as expected. The webapp relies heavily on a database. I would like to open the webapp to Australia and New Zealand but maintain good response time from the server. Essentially the each user…
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Scheduled copy of production database into test database

My question is similar to this one. I've Two different severs (both SQL Server 2014 Std Edition). Production and Test. I want my test server to connect every night to the production server and copy/clone one database. I Know I could schedule a…
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MySQL Replication threeway

We have MySQL Multi-Master replication setup between two servers ( A & B ). It has been working for a few years now and life is good. The management tool in our office connects directly to Server A to perform updates and selects. As you can imagine…
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SQL Server Replication - How to connect to a system via computer name rather than IP address in Amazon AWS?

In Amazon AWS, VPC, I am trying to setup replication in SQL Server, and have three servers setup with port 1433 RDP open (1 web, two SQL). I can RDC into each server. From the web server, I can connect via SSMS to both SQL Servers by using the IP…
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CouchDB v1.2.0 - Timeout error on replication

Currently, I have a replication task that looks something like this: { "continuous": true, "create_target": true, "owner": "admin", "source": "https://remote/db/", "target": "db", "user_ctx": { "roles": [ …
Mike S
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Replicating databases using Dell equallogic

Can the Dell Equallogic 6100/4100 replicate databases like mysql, MS SQL 2012, and Oracle 11g? I would like to set up my web applications and their databases in VMWare 5. They would run off the equallogic and be synchronized with another equallogic…
1 answer

Copy Exchange Database from Passive to Active

I have a CCR running with a total of 6 servers 2 MB, 2HT, 2 CAS. I had a failure on active node this morning and everything failed to my passive server, i had some issues with the logs, as the werent replicating to the passive, which made sense…
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Recreate Dynamcis CRM "Filtered Views" for use on SQL server replicated by Scribe RS

I'm considering moving from CRM 2011 on premise to CRM Online. The major concern for me is the lack of SQL access, but I understand Scribe RS has a replication solution that will keep a copy of the SQL in an external database for reporting. I spoke…
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what port should I open for mysql master-master replication?

I have two servers running php5-fpm and a load balancer running nginx, the three servers share /var/www/drupal using nfs. nfs is working correctly. I replicated the two servers' database using mysql master master replication. everything was working…
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mysql replication 1x master, 1x slave

I have just setup one master and one slave server, but its not working.. On my website I connect to the slave server and I insert some rows, but they do not appear on the master and vice versa.. What is wrong? This is what I did: Master: ->…
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How should I back up multiple in-use MS Access databases?

Disclaimer: I'm a software engineer, not an IT professional, sorry if some of my suggestions are silly or otherwise ridiculous. A windows application, which will remaining running at all times, is connected to, and constantly interacting with,…
1 answer

MongoDB not replicating properly

I am using mongoDB for my application hosted on 3 amazon instances. I have a got a Primary Node with highest priority (100) and 2 Secondaries with priority 99 and 98. A few days ago I started getting MongoCursorExceptions while accessing primary…