Questions tagged [cyrus]

Cyrus enterprise mail system

Cyrus is a highly scalable enterprise mail system designed for use in enterprise environments of various sizes using standards based technologies. Cyrus technologies scale from independent use in email departments to a system centrally managed in a large enterprise.

89 questions
1 answer

cyrus Imapd deliver -e, what does the -e?

I asked myself what the -e Option in the Cyrus program deliver does. E.G. the -e is used in the postfix Configuration in, but I cannot find any reference to a -e option in the manpages of deliver. Does anyone know what this option exactly…
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Why does Multi-thread cyrus delay forking of imapd processes after connecting to master listener

Apologies for long post, most of it is configuration details. I have recently changed from a single threaded cyrus server in which multiple domains were overloaded on one listener as multiple virtual domains to a multiple threaded cyrus server in…
1 answer

How to install a sieve for a user with a dot in their email, using sieveInstall

I've been a member on StackOverflow for a while, but this is my first post to ServerFault, so if I'm doing something wrong in this post, feel free to call me out on it. TL;DR: Using Cyrus and sendmail. We have emails like…
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Postfix: Virtual users can't receive external e-mails

I'm new to postfix. Sending e-mails works fine, but I can't receive external e-mails. ERR:User not found.Here are my configs. What's wrong? System Centos7.1 x64 (Conoha's image) Software postfix 3.1.1 (Compiled by myself) make makefiles shared=yes…
H. Chen
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Debian Cyrus SASL LDAP Auth fails

I am in the middle of an emergency server transfer from a server I did not setup to a new piece of hardware. I am running the newest Debian with Postfix and Cyrus. I have copied over the majority of the details from the conf files but I am still not…
1 answer

SASL Auth against LDAP

So I am running into a whirlwind of issues with my cyrus install. I am setting up a multi-domain kolab groupware solution. I am on centos 6.7 I am getting this flooding my error logs when I try to make a new user on a fresh multi domain setup: Aug…
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How to stop Cyrus from serving root certificate?

Since changing the certificate for my cyrus instance I get the following warning whenever I sign with cyradm: cyradm --user cyrus --authz cyrus localhost verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain which is an OpenSSL error…
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Permission with cyrus

I am running Cyrus at a Debian 7 system. I want to increase security by only allowing specific services the access to the SSL private keys. I created a group "ssl" which contains the users mysql,postfix and cyrus . The process cyrus seems to run as…
Daniel Marschall
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cyrus-makedirs or mkimap missing on Ubuntu Server 14.04

The Cyrus manual says that tools/mkimap should be run to configure the directories. It appears that this command does not not exist, however. With a bit of research it looks like there is a debian/Ubuntu version of this called cyrus-makedirs…
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2 answers

enabling shell access for cyrus user

My current cyrus user in /etc/passwd looks like this: cyrus:x:76:12:Cyrus IMAP Server:/var/lib/imap:/sbin/nologin I want to be able to give it shell access but restrict it to /var/lib/imap and /var/spool/imap. How do I enable the shell to allow…
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2 answers

Reconstructing cyrus mailboxes with sub-folders

I have a mail server which runs Cyrus-imapd and postfix. I have another server which is to be the backup mail server. I have rsynced one mailbox from the primary server to the backup server to test. As mentioned here, I first rsynced one test…
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2 answers

Postfix email address change

Being new to Linux I have followed this tutorial to set up a mail server: Everything is working correctly however I am sending mail from: I want…
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debian squeeze cyrus setup

My current mail setup is exim4 * forwards my email for domains and sub-domains to my google address (and i do the same for a couple people as well). I am now trying to fully host it on my Debian Squeeze server. I installed Cyrus and Squirrelmail via…
1 answer

INBOX, Inbox, and MS Outlook 2007

I have a Cyrus-IMAP server with altnamespace:yes and unixhierarchysep: yes. I want my sent messages to be stored on server, the INBOX.Sent being the most obvious choice. Setting this in Apple Mail was easy (Mailboxes>Use this folder for...>Sent).…
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1 answer

Cyrus-IMAP, GSSAPI and auxprop

I'm setting up a mail system using Postfix (OpenLDAP backend) and Cyrus-IMAP on Debian. Goal: I'd love to go ahead with GSSAPI authentication. I've tested the whole setup on virtual machines on my laptop, and everything works. Problem: I need mail…
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