Questions tagged [css]

Cascading Style Sheet

This is used to define a layout. It is made to separate content and presentation.

74 questions
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NGINX not enabling GZIP for css even though it is in config

I have built a simple static site, that I am serving with nginx (from docker). Currently I am trying to implement some best-practices, including gzip. I have used some example config I found online, to set up my own config. Gzip is working for most…
1 answer

After I ran certbot browsers cannot access css file

After I ran certbot --nginx browsers cannot access css of my website. style.css is located in ./styles of root of my site. The error is Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID style.css:1 Edited: string from my .html files (where…
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Apache2 Reverse Proxy messes up CSS

I have a problem that when I use an SSL reverse proxy from site1 to site2, it works quite well except for the peculiar fact that all images are of the incorrect height. Everything else seems to be in order, only image height is affected. Here's how…
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NGINX+wordpress: CSS being served but not applied

Cheers fellow stackers, I kinda have to get wordpress running in a self hosted nginx environment. More or less exactly using the suggested config from NGINX wordpress doc. server { listen 443 ssl; server_name _; ssl_certificate…
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How to point static folder in Nginx for a Django application

I have deployed a simple Django application in the AWS server and created a config file in the Nginx as follows. But its static files are not detecting. Location of my static folder location: /path/static. This application checks for static files by…
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2 answers

SSL on new site: mixed content

I’ve just managed to set up my first site running from a home Ubuntu server. I successfully acquired an SSL certificate and it works, for the most part. One page on my site keeps displaying incorrectly (mixed content warning). I believe I need to…
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website not loading the updated css files

I have been using cloudflare for almost all of my projects and i've been trying to set it up for my new project but there is a really strange problem i'm facing. so when i update .css files from the server the changes don't get effected when i load…
adam west
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Unknown site using jquery and css file but include my site path

This is my site URL - But this Unknown site means i am not owner of this site But once i view source this page then…
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Re-uploaded my website but it's still loading old css files

I have VPS running Ubuntu 16.0.4 with Apache. I have a website uploaded there and I wanted to make a few changes to my css. Re-uploaded my CSS file but the website still uses the old one. Here is what I tried with no luck: Restarting…
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Is this possible: Use css from other virtual host?

Say I have a website at /var/www/Electrician and I have a website at /var/www/Restaurant If these websites use separate host files can I use the same CSS to reduce space? If I am not mistaken I would certainly be unable to do ../../css/style.css…
The Dude man
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Nginx CSS Caching

I've been trying to fix this for a while, but I haven't been able to find a solution. Some notes about my setup: I am not using VirtualBox I am running Nginx 1.4.6 Ubuntu The CSS's cache will not clear even when using the "expires: off;" flag in…
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2 answers

Can I use a .py file as a stylesheet for html5

I have python generating my stylesheets in my html4 site (random background). Now I'm wanting to convert to html5 and I'm wondering if I can use a .py file in my css link The site is currently running…
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How to update SASS for the whole of a VPS automatically?

I have a VPS with SASS, and I have configured it correctly. I have multiple users on my server, and they don't have SSL access to the server. Some of them use SASS, and I don't want to have to update their files to CSS files whenever they update…
Tom Doyle
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Is there another database server software for PHP other than MySQL?

Is are there another database server software for PHP other than MySQL? Does it run on Linux? Does it work with Apache? (No MySQL, can't get it working on ubuntu.)
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