I have been using cloudflare for almost all of my projects and i've been trying to set it up for my new project but there is a really strange problem i'm facing.

so when i update .css files from the server the changes don't get effected when i load them on website, and i know for sure that it's not a caching thing because i tried clear caching/incognito and even had my fried test it.

and if this is not weird enough this not updating problem only happens for .css files. other formats work perfectly fine.

and this is why it made me thinking that it might be something from cloudflare: check out this link with http and https: http://fleats.club/style/aa.css. it display different thing for each of them, http one was a file that i deleted but it still loads on http! and the https one is a new one file with same name i created with a different characters in it and i changed the characters in it but it still displays the old characters (old characters: "saaa")


  listen 80;

  server_name fleats.club;

  root /srv/main/site;

  location / {
      index index.html;

this might sound like a human mistake but i've been looking every where but can't figure this out. any idea what could possibly cause this? i have no clue really,

adam west
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1 Answers1


and i know for sure that it's not a caching thing because i tried clear caching/incognito and even had my fried test it.

Have you done Cloudflare cache cleaning? https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169246-Purging-cached-resources-from-Cloudflare

enter image description here

if the development goes on and testing needs to be continuous you can consider development mode. https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168246-Understanding-Cloudflare-Development-Mode

enter image description here

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  • oh i didn't know u can clear cache on cloudflare side! clear caching cloudflare worked but it worked for on time and i had to clear cache every time from cloudflare. i activated development mode and now it's working fine and updating the files every time but i can't leave the development mode On for always though (right?), and i guess the solution is not to manually clear cache every time i make a change on the css files, so what is the permanent solution? – adam west Apr 02 '20 at 22:56
  • also why this is happening? it never happened for my old projects. and the stranger thing is that it only happens for .css files! – adam west Apr 02 '20 at 22:57
  • Cloudflare is ment to cache and save bandwidth. Thats the whole purpose of cdn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network . Use development mode until you complete testing. Regarding your othersites, cant predict cloudflare algo , regarding caching. – Aravinda Apr 03 '20 at 00:11
  • Also please dont forget to mark it as the answer – Aravinda Apr 03 '20 at 00:12
  • done thank you very much – adam west Apr 03 '20 at 01:38