Questions tagged [csf]

ConfigServer Security & Firewall

A Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall and Login/Intrusion Detection application for Linux servers. Combines firewall with log monitoring tools for general Linux security protection. Web interface works from cpanel or webmin.

121 questions
1 answer

IPTables Rules Being Loaded From Somewhere

I'm having troubles connecting (meaning I can't connect to any IP or port) to my server and it appears that the problem was to do with CSF. I uninstalled CSF (by running /etc/csf/ and restarted the server. I was still unable to connect.…
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CSF Update resets IPTables rules

This is with CentOS 6. On one of my servers, periodically all IPTables rules are simply dropped and all connections start being blocked. It happens fairly randomly once every few days. I have a script with specific rules in it that I have to rerun…
Archer S.
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CSF does not open port

I'm having a Ubuntu 14.04 server which has a TomCat installation listening on port 8080. I installed CSF today. Following is netstat -tulpn tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 8278/java This is my IPV6…
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1 answer

Filezilla can not connect my new ftp port on centos 6.6

I have a webserver running on Centos 6.6. Recently Config Server Security Firewall send me over 150 email about some malicious bots trying to guess my clients ftp users and passwords. I hate bruteforce attacks and i try to change my ftp port from 21…
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1 answer

cannot send emails to other Web servers

I'm trying to limit my server's open ports in CSF. The IPv4 port settings include: # Allow incoming TCP ports TCP_IN = "22,25,53,80,110,143,443,587,3654,53343” # Allow outgoing TCP ports TCP_OUT = "22,53,80,113,443,465,995,3654" # Allow incoming…
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2 answers

lots of UDP_IN Blocked errors

Since I have reinstalled my OS, I'm getting lots of UDP_IN Blocked errors in my messages log. Can anyone kindly explain what the error say exactly and what I can do to get rid of this error. Aug 8 22:02:19 server kernel: Firewall: *UDP_IN Blocked*…
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2 answers

Openning a port in my CentOS server

I'm trying to open a port in my CentOS server... I tried using iptables, adding the "-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport portnum -j ACCEPT" and didn't work. I tried installing CSF, adding the ports and disabling the test mode. Also didn't work... Any…
1 answer

Cannot close Port 25 after installing postfix

Before installing logwatch (which installs postfix) on Ubuntu 12.04, the port 25 is blocked by iptables/csf PORT STATE SERVICE 25/tcp filtered smtp After installing logwatch (which installs postfix), port 25 is now opened PORT STATE…
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How to block/ban clients that try to access some paths / urls?

Some spambots hammer my server with nonexisting paths like /user/pass?=asdfdasfas How could I block any access to /user/pass?=* ? Is there a better tool than iptables or csf for catching such crap?
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1 answer

Port forwarding through OpenVPN server

Here's my scenario: Remote OpenVPN server v2.3.2, 1 public IP, CentOS 6.4, 2.6.32-042stab079.6 Tunnelblick (OpenVPN client) What I want to do is route all the client traffic through the VPN - and I accomplished that. I'm however experiencing…
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ConfigServer CSF and iptables config

I'm aware there is a /etc/sysconfig/iptables file, with rules for iptables (and what's the effective difference with /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config?). I installed CSF & LFD. You can configure ports within /etc/csf/csf.conf, but the…
Florian Mertens
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1 answer

Memcached ports and CSF

I've got a small / medium sized VPS powered by WHM and running a few personal websites alongside a Magento powered web-store. Not being a real expert when it comes to server configuration details I've hired someone recently to oversee a memcached…
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Hacking attempt detected, Can we block user by PC-Name

Recently we notied that hackers are trying to hack our server, we have IP blocking softwares installed on our server but the thing is that, hacker is using dynamic ip addresses to try again and again...But we can see he is using the same machine to…
Amit Patil
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Ubuntu Server DDoS protection

I've seen many articles on DDoS protection, but none work. I need protection for a socket server i'm running on the server. It's running on port 9876 and it's for a flash-based game. when it gets attacked, the whole dedicated server goes offline for…
1 answer

Open torrent ports in csf

I use aria2 on my office with debian linux and aria2web to download some torrents on that. in brief it's a torrent client. but if i turn on csf, aria2c can't do that. which config should i do for csf ? which ports in TCP or UDP should i open to…
Amir Molaa
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