Questions tagged [centos6.6]

20 questions
3 answers

Where to find the environmental variables file in CentOS

Where can I find the envvars configuration file (if there are any) in CentOS? I know in Ubuntu, Apache2, I can find it from /etc/apache2/envvars I've tried the command, export EXAMPLE=value command. Does it require server restart to get it…
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IPv6 web server unreachable

I've bought a new dedicated server with 2 IPv4 addresses and a /56 IPv6 subnet. When I ping to my domain names on the dedicated server I get a message back. But when I ping from outside nothing happens. So I went to test things out through…
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nginx suddenly redirecting everything to 403 page, can this be debugged or traced?

I'm not sure what happened to my nginx install. Suddenly all page requests are being redirected to the 403 page. Yesterday I tried to add a user agent to block, restarted service from that point everything was being sent to 403. I backed out that…
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1 answer

How do I silence load alerts?

Within the large set of files that comprise our Nagios server, is service check for load: define service{ use generic-service name check-load hostgroup_name …
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Windows 8 IE 10 TLS Handshake Errors to Apache 2.2 on Centos 6.6

We are really stumped on this. During an upgrade to a newer Apache environment running on CentOS 6.6 we encountered weird problems with TLS connections from Windows 8 machines. The first hint at the error was users of IE10 complaining as well as…
3 answers

CentOS Multilib version conflict

I'm trying to install HHVM on my CentOS 6.6, but this multilib problem is not letting me. Upon running yum upgrade, I get this result. root@invictus [~]# yum upgrade Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Upgrade Process Loading mirror speeds from…
5 answers

How can I set AWS EC2 TimeZone?

I have two EC2 instances operating in the Oregon location (us-west-2c). Each of these when I issue the command date returns a value 7 hours ahead of what I would expect. I have tried adjusting the timezone settings and each one returns a date and…
1 answer

Outbound port 25 connections timing out all of a sudden: Centos 6.6 & postfix; hacked?

I have been running a Centos email/web server for years, with a Linode Xen server the last 4 years with almost no trouble. Since sometime yesterday I have not been able to connect to outbound email (port 25) servers. The mail queue is building up.…
2 answers

Varnish vcl_fetch does not work

I'm new to configuring varnish. I am trying to replicate a varnish setup I made on AWS onto another server. Here's the scenario: I have 2 servers serving web content (Web1 and Web2), which is a load-balanced pair. We have Web1 running and configured…
2 answers

PHP version updated to php-5.4.37-1.el6.remi but server still using older version (CentOS release 6.6 (Final))

i'm having problems to update php on server CentOS release 6.6 (Final), from php-5.3.25 to my required version php-5.4.37. I downloaded and enabled remi repository an then installed the mentioned php version with all its dependencies, i have already…
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1 answer

From CentOS6.9, how to communicate with two Windows Domain Controllers Simultaneously?

From a CentOS6.9 box, its not possible to resolv two windows Domain Controllers at a time but to only the first one, where both the Domain Controllers IP is reachable from the CentOS node ping # Works ping…
2 answers

Apache won't respond to requests using my domain name, only to requests directed at the server's IP

My VPS host recently suspended my service because my site was under a DDoS attack. When they brought me back online, my IP had changed. I can now only view my site by requesting it's IP, not using the domain name…
Joshua Walsh
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HTTP webserver gateway timeout 504 only from one ISP

I have configured a nginx http webserver to serve a site on CentOS 6 Virtual machine. every things are works fine but when I connect to site from a special ISP, the site wait and after a while respond 504 Gateway timeout. This occurs only from this…
Ghasem Pahlavan
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2 answers

can't access my dedicated server via ssh Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic)

I can't access my dedicated server via ssh this's the result of "ssh -v user@server-ip" command line: OpenSSH_6.9p1, LibreSSL 2.1.7 debug1: Reading configuration data /Users/mac/.ssh/config debug1: /Users/mac/.ssh/config line 13: Applying options…
Fariss Abdo
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0 answers

Cannot install php-mysql

I have a VPS with CentOS 6.6 x86-64 and ISPManager, PHP 5.4.43, Server version: 5.5.45 MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi and an version phpMyAdmin. I upgraded php from 5.3 to 5.4 and mysql from 5.1 to 5.5. After upgrade I cannot login to…