Questions tagged [cpu-architecture]

39 questions
0 answers

Set custom cpu string for qemu/kvm

I have some virtual machines with software, which licensing check depends on cpu string. They're running on kvm - with default cpu string value - which is QEMU Virtual CPU version 1.7.1 After upgrading host server to newer version of debian - cpu…
1 answer

Upgrading CPU AMD Socket F

I was wondering if it were possible to upgrade an Opteron 2356, to an Opteron 8439SE? Both can use Socket F(r2/Fr5/Fr6), but I'm a little nervous about the quad core to hex core move.... Thank you in advance.
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Do We Need To Use Identical CPUs to Configure OpenStack For the First Time?

In terms of CPUs and OpenStack configuration does all the following solutions hold? All CPUs need to be identical (e.g., XEON E5). CPUs can be from the same vendor and family; but with different versions (e.g., XEON E5 and XEON E3). CPUs can be…
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No architecture vs architecture-specific binaries

From what I understand, the noarch suffix means that it's architecture independent and should work universally. If this is the case, why should I install architecture-specific packages at all? Why not just go straight for the noarch? Are there…
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IBM x3200 M2 and chaning the CPU

As my server IBM x3200 M2 and CPU (E4600) does not have VT-x for virtualization (I would like to virtualize Windows in XenServer), may I substitute this CPU for some core2duo or core2quad that supports VT-x ? Does the motherboard have to support…
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What is the actual meaning of a "C" suffix in a 2nd generation Scalable Xeon CPU (Platinum, Gold, etc)

I have an HP Z6 Workstation with a Xeon Gold 6253CL CPU (purchased from eBay) and I would like to upgrade it to a dual-CPU configuration. I have added the 2nd CPU riser card but, for selecting the processor I need help understanding Intel's part…
1 answer

How to detect AWS EC2 architecture from inside?

Assuming we have instance running, what can we run on that instance to detect whether it's x86_64 or graviton-based/ARM? I thought about curl -s but found nothing useful in this case. Also, it's possible…
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2 answers

Understanding Intel HTT

System 1: Notebook Detect the installed CPU: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | head -1 model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz The data sheet says: no. of Cores 2 no. of Threads 4 Detect Cores and Threads: $ sudo dmidecode…
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2 answers

cpufrequency on Debian 8 (Jessie)

I'm running a database benchmark (TPC-H) and because of this, I need my processor not to have variable-speed. I know there are modes: Powersave Conservative Ondemand Usespace Performance On S.O. Red Hat, the command to freeze the frequency would…
1 answer

CPU core id values not contiguous

I am trying to understand the "core_id" sequence reported. My machine has 2 sockets, 20 cores and hyperthreading enabled (80 CPU). I am looking at the "core_id" values which are reported using: root@mybox:~# cat…
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is it possible to run process that use only 2 CPU from 16 CPU in my linux machine

is it possible to run process that use only 2 CPU from 16 CPU in my linux machine we have red-hat machine version 6 and we have 16 CPU but because license cost money and if we limit the script that will run only on 2 CPU then we can save the money
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4 answers

How can Linux run on different microprocessors?

How can Linux run on different microprocessors? Is the Linux kernel being compiled at installation each time?
unknown (google)
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Can RHEL5/CentOS5 be run on Intel Haswell-EP (E5-26XX V3) CPUs?

We need to upgrade the hardware on some of our CentOS 5.11 servers. From Redhat's Intel CPUs and Supported RHEL Versions page, I see that the E5-26XX V2 CPUs are supported. However, the E5-26XX V3 (Haswell-EP) CPUs are listed as Not Supported. I…
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What are the performance implications of Hyper-threading for single Nehalem+ CPU?

I am choosing between two models of servers, the major difference between them being the the availability of Hyper-Threading. Servers in question are SYS-E32-1 and SYS-E32-3 from So you Start (an OVH brand) and use either Intel Xeon E3-1225 v2 or…
4 answers

Detect CPU Vendor on OSX

So, I considered asking here instead of SO because people here are more likely to be familiar with this stuff. I'm currently using PHP to detect some generic stuff on the host OS. In this case, I'm trying to detect CPU vendor. To do this, I…
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