Questions tagged [sparse-files]

8 questions
2 answers

Does NFS and SMB support sparse files?

This question was previously asked in stack overflow but the good folks there have recommended that i try the community over here instead. I am researching on sparse files with regards to various filesystems and am trying to find something concrete…
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How do you create a qcow2 file that is small yet commodious on a Linux server?

I believe that there are qcow2 files that displace a small amount of gigabytes on a server (as verified with a df -h on the physical server) yet allow for lots of space when you log into the virt-manager VM and issue a df -h. How do you create such…
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2 answers

No write failure on an over-allocated sparse file

I've been working with sparse files in order to replicate Linux fs permissions on a Windows samba mount an idea from here: While testing sparse files though, I've discovered an, interesting, problem wherein a…
j. Doe
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XFS/EXT4: Why is actual file size on disk larger than apparent size? Clarification

On a CentOS 7.1.1503 (3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64) system running KVM/qemu on an XFS filesystem, I'm attempting to work out what specifically is adding additional space to a VM diskimage file. $ ls -ls --block-size=1k 15728648 -rw-------. 1 qemu qemu…
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2 answers

Reduce xen image disk usage

Two cases: 1.If making hdd image using dd and copy it trough nfs to another server: mount -o ro,remount / dd if=/dev/sda bs=64K | gzip -c > /share/test.img.gz then after gunzip I get 20Gb (for ex.) file, filled w/zeroes at the end: du -h…
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Disable thin provisioning (sparse files) in proxmox

I'm using Proxmox Virtual Environment to run few virtual machines. I use raw storage format and I need that the disk is fully pre allocated when created so it does not grow. The proxmox says that this is default behavior but I experience the…
Pavel Niedoba
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1 answer

Barman: rsync wal archival stalls on some files

I'm archiving wal files from a postgres server via rsync, most of the time the archiving works fine and is quick, the speedtest for the connection is here: (this goes via the internet) [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth Retr …
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0 answers

Are MacOS sparsebundles suitable for multiuser access

I want to use a sparsebundle on a linux bases NAS (synology) as a encrypted container. The sparsebundle files will be accessible in a shared Folder via SMB or AFP for MacOS Clients. Does this work, if potentially multiple users access the…