Questions tagged [cloudflare]

CloudFlare is a content delivery network and distributed domain name server service marketed as improving website performance and speed and providing security.

513 questions
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ip site digitalocean to cloudflare

I have site with just an ip address instead a domain name Is it possible my site use cloudflare service? My site hosted at digitalocean My server use nginx I've been searching through the net but no result Please help Thank you
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CloudFlare SSL Full Nginx Puma Rails

I have a rails app with force_ssl turned on. I generated DH params I'm using Puma as web server. For this configuration, I'm fine with a self-assigned ssl cert, which I generated together with a key and placed in etc/ssl My domain is set up on…
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Why does my nserver fail on checking?

I've just tried my site via and get the following: My site is hosted on my own server, but through CloudFlare. What should I do to resolve the error? What am I missing, and what does it mean to fail this kind of test? UPDATE: The site…
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404 header error instead of the correct 200

I have just updated a (dynamic) website by sftp/ssh and all the new pages have been considered as 404 error not found. Actually, all the pages, including the old pages which was overwritten. Also, the website is using cloudflare. Let me show you a…
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I can't prepend HTTP://WWW to the URL when I redirect to the same domain

There is this WordPress application on OpenShift that uses CloudFlare as DNS server. OpenShift gives us a URL such as and allow you to add alias. Such as So you have to add CNAME entries to your…
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Un-Noticed Vulnerability, I need to know if i should do anything

Possible Web-Site Vulnerability. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I am running my own website, that is still currently being developed, but since it is 'Open as Beta' it is accessible on the web. I was checking my…
2 answers

Enabling Cloudflare via cPanel shows error: "Your DNS is hosted by CloudFlare..."

I'm trying to configure the DNS for my CloudFlare in my cPanel my host provided me and this keeps happening! But, the thing is that my domain is already pointed to my CloudFlare and I waited 24 hours, got an email saying it was updated fully and…
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Blocking request with query string

I'm an under a DDoS attack though I have cloud flare.. I found out that the attacker is accessing the server using query strings "?a=randomnumber" I don't use query strings in my website so I need to block any IP that tries to add query string in…
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OpenVPN not functioning as expected when running over secured connection

I have an OpenVPN server, hosted on an Azure VM. I created an origin certificate on Cloudflare, and have imported the key and the certificate into OpenVPN successfully. The Origin CA was also copied to the VM. In the web server configurations,…
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can I re-add the original namesaver after adding cloudflare namesaver?

I have a webhosting website which will cause failure for clients who try creating sub-domain when I change my nameserver with cloudflare nameserver. I am thinking to re-add my original nameserver after cloudflare verify my change of nameserver. Will…
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How to have good SSL/TLS certificates without proxying through cloudflare?

I currently have a site hosted on my local raspberry pi, and I have my domain registered through cloudflare. I would also like to be able to use PiVPN to access the contents of the VPS when I am away away from home. Unfortunately the CF proxy only…
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How to improve my current HA design

I am trying to create high availability application. My current design has two VMs, both have public IPs, both are running in same subnet and both VMs have same web application running in docker. ssl certs and traffic to the app in docker is managed…
2 answers

AWS SOA record from AWS to Cloudflare

I purchase a domain with AWS to try it out and edited the NS records with CloudFlare records, but I also have another entry for SOA, this is it: Record type SOA – Start of authority record…
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Virtualmin + Nginx + SSL setup error with cloudflare 521

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Installed Virtualmin + Nginx + PHP-FPM Everything set up fine, however, when I installed SSL Certificate 3 month’s trial (Fully Valid Cert) not from Letsencrypt ( Reached limit ) everything works perfectly but, when I switch to…
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Is it possible to make reverse dns lookup on cloudflare

Somehow Cloudflare is hiding the real ip of my server. Is there a possibility to check other domains on my ip by reverse DNS? in short I make dig I got in reply some A records...but they are not actually my server ip's than I…