Questions tagged [cloudflare]

CloudFlare is a content delivery network and distributed domain name server service marketed as improving website performance and speed and providing security.

513 questions
2 answers

Config to allow SQL Server to be connected through CloudFlare?

I have already known the risk of exposing SQL Server database on the Internet, but please look at my situation: I have two instances of SQL Server: production (default instance SQLEXPRESS) and dev (SQLEXPRESSDEV). I have disabled both Administrator…
1 answer

Email Exchange and Cloudflare

i would like to offer Mail Accounts without giving the real server Adress to the public (I'm using Cloudflare). Currently i use a e-mail-Relay to send messages, the harder problem is to receive e-mails. So everytime if i add a MX Record my real…
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1 answer

Protect dedicated server with cloudflare

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 based dedicated server with LAMP installed. I host several websites, but for now all websites are on same IP, configured using Apache Virtual Hosts. Everyone can attack my server since they can get my server's IP. I want to…
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