Questions tagged [checksum]

67 questions
1 answer

need help on extracting a file when checksum matches

I need a help on untaring a file when checksum matches. Here is the scenario. i have a tar file and its check sum is dfsafdafsafasfsaf232, stored in a checksum file and need a script to match this checksum file and extract to specific folder when…
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2 answers

File is possibly corrupt - Checksum error when installing Win7

I've just built a new dev server. I am putting Windows 7 on it as I don't have a Server license and just picked up an OEM W7 Pro license. I am getting the message: The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed…
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4 answers

Win32 software to sync a file system to a FTP server using checksums?

The simple question is how do you sync a Windows file system to an FTP destination periodically while never checking the destination for change unless something bad happens and not relying on file size or date/time changes. Too many other…
Zachary Scott
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1 answer

Windows Equivalent to `sha256sum -c` (cryptographic hash, digest file, recursive integrity check, SHA256SUMS)

What is the equivalent to sha256sum -c in Windows? I have a set of very important files that I need to copy-to and mirror across many different types of disks in many geographically distinct locations. After relaying the contents to disk via USB,…
Michael Altfield
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1 answer

Novice btrfs user: checksum failures and input/output errors galore

A housemate suggested to me that I ought to use btrfs instead of what I've been doing up until now, which is using mdadm with cloned drives, and adding an extra drive into the array to "clone" a backup. The system has three drives, all physically…
0 answers

TCP checksum errors between linux apps and NICs

I'm writing an internet application and I'm at the stage of crafting my own TCP packets. Except there is a major problem. According to the TCPDUMP utility in linux, every tcp packet that I send out from any local application (like telnet and curl)…
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1 answer

MD5 for Git's git-credential-osxkeychain executable?

This question copied over from Super-User, where it was apparently unwelcome. Anyway, asked and answered: I'm setting up a GitHub account and have downloaded Git's git-credential-osxkeychain executable via the Password Caching section of GitHub's…
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