Questions tagged [cassandra]

Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed key-value database cluster, designed to scale linearly when adding nodes. It provides multi-datacenter replication.

It was designed to handle very large amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a NoSQL solution that was initially developed by Facebook and powered their Inbox Search feature until late 2010.

Official page

Source: wikipedia

209 questions
2 answers

EC2 Attach Instance Store on Start

I'm lunching an instance to host a Cassandra node and i'm testing some shutdown and startup scripts. The instance was lunched from the datastax PV AMI 'ami-8932ccfe'. I added 8GB of SSD EBS storage for root and launched it. On initial startup the…
Alexei Blue
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0 answers

Datastax Opscenter Agent installation is broken re: log4j

I am trying to install Opscenter, and datastax agent on our Cassandra cluster. When I start the datastax-agent, I am getting this error: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.eclipse.jetty.util.log). log4j:WARN Please initialize the…
1 answer

Opscenter 4.1 can't add cluster

When trying to add an existing cluster to Opscenter via the 'add cluster' gui screen I am getting the following error: Error creating cluster: OpsCenter was able to get the cluster name but not list the available keyspaces. This may indicate an…
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0 answers

Cassandra: Can't start service with error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to contact any seeds

System info: Linux stg-univ-cassandra06 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 16 18:37:12 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Cassandra version: 2.0.1 JVM vendor/version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM/1.7.0_25 It might have something to…
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1 answer

How to reuse perf charts in OpsCenter from datastax?

Key idea of my question is that I want to use my predefined list of charts from OpsCenter for different keyspaces. So I need to figure out it there any possibility to create list of performance plots for new keyspace without OpsCenter UI? I found…
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1 answer

Not able to view data through Hive mapping to Cassandra

After loading data from Oracle DB to Cassandra via Sqoop, I was able to view my data through both Cassandra and Hive. I was told that while doing so, 2 files would be generated for each, creating space issues. To resolve this, I dropped the table in…
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1 answer

Changing Cassandra Tokens on 1.2.1 From 4 to 256

We initially started our cluster using one datacenter, one rack, and the Simple replication strategy. We have keyspaces with several hundred gigabytes of data. When we changed the tokens in the cassandra.yaml on this cluster from 4 to 256, and…
Heat Miser
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0 answers

Use Amazon SNS to send nagios alerts

Is there any way by which I can send nagios alerts to Amazon SNS ? I have tried with following steps, but its giving me this error in the Nagios log file: Jul 12 11:38:23 ip-10-134-13-204 nagios3: Warning: Attempting to execute the command "export…
1 answer

Uneven cassandra load

I have a 10 node ring & all the nodes seem to share about the same amount of data except one is considerably less does anyone have ideas? Rack Status State Load Owns Token …
The Dude
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2 answers

Uneven Cassandra load

Should a three node Cassandra cluster with a replication factor of 3 have the same load value for all three nodes? We are using a random partitioner and NetworkTopologyStrategy. Nodetool ring shows equal values for "Owns" but unequal values for…
David Keen
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2 answers

startup cassandra layout

We've got a relatively low-traffic site (~1K pageviews/day) hosted on a single server, and expect it to grow significantly over the next few years. I'm thinking of moving over to Rackspace CloudServer or EC2 and firing up 3 nodes (all on CentOS): 2…
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1 answer

How to find date/time used by Cassandra

Earlier this morning I noticed that one of the nodes in our Cassandra cluster is writing logs an hour in the future, despite the date/time being correct on the OS. A couple of other nodes I checked via logs appear to be writing logs at the correct…
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2 answers

How to build snappy-java under FreeBSD 8.1? (build error)

I'm trying to build snappy-java for FreeBSD 8.1 to use it with cassandra (can't enable columns compression without it). Trying to build it from source and getting an error: $ hg clone snappy-java $ cd…
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0 answers

Cassandra, very long row (over 800.000 columns), row cache and manual repair

I seemed to have hit quite interesting problem recently while investigating my previous problem -- One ColumnFamily places data on only 3 out of 4 nodes We had a very long row with over 800.000 columns in it. It stored user details; one column per…
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1 answer

Unable to compile thrift on ubuntu

I am trying to install cassandra and thrift in my PC. I have successfully installed cassandra. But while making (using "make" command) thrift I am getting the error below: ............... ............. ......Entering directory…
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