Questions tagged [canary]

3 questions
0 answers

Is it possible to run infrastructure canaries?

I've been trying to think through a problem in utilizing Terraform (though any infra language would do, like CloudFormation, ARM or whatever Google uses as this is not a cloud applicable problem to my knowledge). I've often done canaries in software…
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1 answer

Canary Testing using GCP managed instance group

I am trying to understand how can i use canary testing with a managed instance group, from what i learnt so far i do need to create an instance template and an instance group based on the new code changes i made, my question is : do i have to use…
1 answer

Canary with istio, what happen if app backend service is down/slow

App A is a Php application, service B is elasticsearch. A is deployed via istio, with canary pattern. A'canary and A'current use the same B service. If B is getting slow or down, A'canary and A'current will throw same errors, what happen at this…
Thomas Decaux
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