Questions tagged [bes]

Short for Blackberry Enterprise Server.

Short for Blackberry Enterprise Server.

80 questions
4 answers

Blackberry emails dated when arrive at device

We have about 200 Blackberries. A number of users like to use Auto On/Off to turn their Blackberries off overnight so the new email notifications don't wake them up. They are complaining that when they come back on in the morning, all the emails…
Richard Gadsden
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1 answer

How do you connect the Blackberry Simulator to BlackBerry Enterprise Server (or Express) for testing?

It seems to be a tricky process. I found some information on the process online but I couldn't find all the information in one place.
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Blackberry Enterprise Server handheldcleanup.exe unable to logon

I'm working with Exchange 2010 and Blackberry Enterprise Server Express v5.0 SP1. Both are installed on 64bit Windows 2008 Standard servers. Our present mail server say MX1, has all the mailboxes. We're introducing a new Exchange 2010 (call it MX2)…
Archit Baweja
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1 answer

BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express - Admin Console Page not Found

I've completed the setup of BES Express on our Windows 2003 SBS Server running Exchange. When Accessing the Web based admin control panel, however, I am getting a 404 error page not found. I've tried it with localhost, the ip, as well as the FQDN…
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3 answers

Configuring an SMTP server in order to activate a Blackberry device on BES without data plan

I have been trying to get Blackberry Entreprise Server 5.0 running on my Windows 2008 VM. It seems to work, I can now add users and find them into Active Directory. The next step for me would be to assign a device to a user, this device do not have…
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5 answers

BES Express - failed to run Administration Service

I have installed BES Express on Windows Server 2008 SP1 with Exchange 2007 following by RIM tutorial JDK 1.6.18, JDK\bin included into Path variable After reboot I've run Blackberry Administration Service and receive such error in browser…
Maksym Gontar
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1 answer

Blackberry Enterprise Server 4.1x upgrades

Little confused as to how the upgrade path works for Blackberry Enterprise Server Express: I'm currently running version, but am not sure if the updates are accumulative or not and how the versioning works. i.e. should I go to 4.1.7, or do…
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1 answer

Blackberry Enterprise Server Log Question

I have a test Blackberry Enterprise Server Express 5.0.2 set up. Currently I am dumping all of the logs, mostly coming from a custom template in Lotus Notes calendar, to try to trace down an error. In searching through the logs I am noticing a…
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1 answer

Does BES cause "last logged" event in ESM?

I apologize if this is a bit of a newbie question, but I'm noticing a few of my members have "Last Logged By" as the administrator account in my ESM (Exchange 2003). I'm running BES 4.1 (which I did not set up - I just maintain) and the BES services…
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1 answer

How to configure database in Blackberry enterprise server?

I have downloaded Trial - BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 for MDS Applications. Tried to install the same.but unable to configure Database settings. Am using MS SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) - 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86) Jul 9 2008…
1 answer

Do all blackberries have some kind of support for email attachment addition of calendar appointments?

Does blackberry support the addition of appointments sent as attachments via email or MMS like the iCalendar format? iCalendar (aka RFC 2445) has the file extension *.ics or *.vcs (v2.0, v1.0 respectively). I cannot find a solid answer/evidence…
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2 answers

BES IT Policy: Radio disabled after device startup?

Can anyone tell me which BES IT policy option controls the radio being disabled when the device first starts up. I have been given an IT policy which when applied to a user causes the radio on the device to be off by default when it starts up,…
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1 answer

Is a knife-edge cutover still possible with BES 5.01?

We have a Primary BES with a local SQL Express DB instance running BES 5.01. We built a backup BES by using the same SRP key (after stopping services on primary) and backed up and restored the BESMgmt from Server1 to Server2. We were finally able to…
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2 answers

Blackberry Enterprise Server Express & Exchange 2010 Management Console

I spent the whole day installing BES on an old W2003 R2 server to discover that the Server running BES requires EMC to be installed. Alas it seems that EMC for Exchange 2010 is not available in a 32bit version. Anyway around this?
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2 answers

How do I sync beyond 30 days with BES

BES only syncs the last 30 days worth of calendar appointments. I need to change this to sync more than 30 days, e.g. 6 months for example. I read a workaround which involves disabling the wireless sync, syncing with the Blackberry Desktop software…
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