Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is a multidisciplinary process and can require management, engineering, operations, data science. and user experience expertise.

A key concern when benchmarking is making sure the tests performed are analogous to how to system is actually used. When benchmarking a server, the following metrics may be considered (in addition to countless others):

  • Ping response time
  • Average Load
  • Number of Dropped Requests
  • Number of Concurrent Connections Possible
  • Power Consumption
271 questions
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find out NUMA locality of process RAM

I am doing an application benchmark with multiple instances of the same application. I found out that pinning their processes (with sched_setaffinity under Linux, with TaskManager under Windows) to specific CPUs increases performance. So I would…
0 answers

Weird results of filesystem benchmark (bonnie++, VPS)

I wanted to check the performance of filesystems of my newly purchased VPS and compare it to the old one, the results surprised me though and I don't know how to analyse them. I picked bonnie++ to conduct a test using: bonnie++ -d /tmp -u root -r…
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1 answer

MongoDB 80,000+ insertions per second

To test my MongoDB 3.2 / WiredTiger on CentOS6, I use the script from Here I list the script (a little modified): // Run me as: // mongo random --eval "var…
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CIS benchmark differences between 2008R2 to 2012R2

I'm looking at hardening our golden image inline with the CIS benchmarks for Windows Server 2008R2 and 2012R2. But, after looking at the two benchmark documents(registration required - sorry) from CIS, the 2008 document format is different and…
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Benchmark individual drives in RAID5

I'm running a server with 3 RAID5 arrays through an ARECA 1880i coupled with a HP-SAS Expander. After experiencing a massive degradation in performance lately, I want to benchmark the drives individually without breaking the array. The arrays…
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2 answers

Effective toy benchmark for a computer?

I wanted to do some (very rough) comparisons between different computers, seeing the relative compute performance of laptops and cloud machines (AWS EC2, rackspace, etc.). I wanted something extremely easy and quick to run, and just wanted a rough…
2 answers

Testing disk performance of virtual machines

We're considering moving from physical dedicated servers to leased virtual machines. I understand that a common problem with virtual machines is the performance of the SAN they are running from. As a quick test, I wanted to benchmark the performance…
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1 answer

benchmarking a vps system

I've been having some performance problmes lately with my ecommerce package ( + SQL Server) running on Hyper-V based VPS so I am thinking about switching my VPS for a faster one. To evaluate a VPS before migration I need a simple…
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Test site speed

I am test driving an Akmai CDN architecture and before committing to buy, I would like to gauge the real performance gain from the acceleration feature. What would be the best MO for doing speed tests from different locations around the world? I…
Elad Lachmi
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1 answer

CPU Throttling on Opteron 6272 in Windows

I'm in the process of attempting to benchmark a multithreaded application on my new HP Proliant Server which has an 2x Opteron 6272 and 64gb of ram. When I run the application on a desktop machine (a range of i7s and a Xeon X5675 processors) the…
2 answers

Local vs cloud benchmark testing -- which is better?

I have tried using Apache Benchmark (ab) to test my server. I ran the same test twice -- once locally on my local Mac desktop and once on a Media Temple server I rent. EDIT: To clarify, I am testing the same remote server, I am just running ab in…
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1 answer

Apache memory consumption

I am currently having very severe problems with my Linux CentOS dedicated server. For some peculiar reason, all of my memory is being consumed by apache and resultantly, my qmail process is crashing. Firstly, why would qmail crash if apache is…
Ben Carey
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Apachebench on node.js server returning "apr_poll: The timeout specified has expired (70007)" after ~30 requests

I just started working with node.js and doing some experimental load testing with ab is returning an error at around 30 requests or so. I've found other pages showing a lot better concurrency numbers than I am such…
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4 answers

x86 Router Benchmarks?

I have grow to prefer x86 based router OS's like Vyatta and pfSense over their competitors Cisco and Juniper (I never really used Juniper, but still.). However, they feel "fake" to me, like "Frankenstein" routers. I think my greatest worry is that…
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1 answer

Do these results look right for 4xSATA in RAID 10? The writes are faster than the reads?

Do these results look right for a RAID-10 consisting of 4x1TB Samsung F3 SATA drives connected via a Dell Precision T3500's integrated RAID controller (which I believe is an Intel-based "FakeRAID")? I understand speeds will vary based on the…
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