Questions tagged [aws-organizations]

9 questions
2 answers

Running multiple applications within single VPC

Is it fine to run multiple applications within single VPC? I might separate them by subnets of course. The reason I'm thinking this way is that the number of VPCs per pegion is limited to 5 (can me risen up to 100) and traffic is not free between…
Roman Newaza
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1 answer

AWS migrate vendor account to my organization

Please consider that I'm new to AWS administration. I have full access to my organisation's AWS account. One of our website(developed in Drupal) is developed by a vendor who hosts it in their AWS account(dev/prod env.). They have a master account…
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Committed use EC2 across organisation?

I wonder if it's possible to move a specific EC2 instance that was created as committed use between AWS accounts within organisation? Here's scenario: suppose that technical company handles IT systems for multiple customers and decided to make use…
0 answers

AWS organization: What is possible as an admin?

I have a question regarding the possibilities as admin of an organization. The plan is to link an external AWS account of a freelancer to our organization. After some research it turns out that the instances remain invisible to colleagues from the…
Seppe N
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AWS- Limiting resource access for member of organisational accounts

We have certain AWS labs which we offer to our customers. Every time a user opens the lab, a new member account is created and added to the organisational account. This only happens the first time when a user logs into the lab. This member account…
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Enforcing EBS Encryption within AWS Organization using SCP (Service Control Policy)

Is it possible to enforce that all accounts within an AWS organization can only create encrypted EBS volumes? I know you can enforce it using IAM roles, but I want to know if it can be done with SCP. Here's what I've come up with so far, but it…
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AWS Server Cross Account Continuous Deployment

I'm trying to follow this post regarding a need to create an AWS "Tools Account" in AWS Organizations for Continuous Deployment And I'm thinking if…
1 answer

AWS Organizations - How to globally set boundaries to allow assess only to predefined set of services?

I would like to allow users in all accounts in my AWS Organization (under a number of different OUs) to access only a few AWS services: RDS, EC2, S3, etc. In other words, I need to prevent access to anything else. I was thinking about using SCP but…
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1 answer

AWS- adding organisation members in a specific OU

We have multiple OU's in our AWS organisation. We use AWS cli to create new AWS organisation members. For eg. aws organizations create-account --email --account-name "testaccount" Everytime a new member account is created, it is…
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