Questions tagged [aws-codecommit]

7 questions
3 answers

CodeBuild with VPC settings fails to download CodeCommit source

I originally had a simple CodePipeline setup triggered by commits to a CodeCommit repo, with a "Stage" that output the source code as an artifact and another "Stage" using CodeBuild to run some code from that source output. Now I want to access RDS…
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1 answer

Is there any way to customize AWS CodeCommit notification messages?

Following the user guide (, I was able to set up CodeCommit email notification on pull request for a repo. But the problem is the email message is not at all…
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0 answers

Use AWS CodeCommit from different organisations

My case is follow: There are 3 AWS organisations 111 , 222, 333 and I have IAM User from organisation 111. To use some resources from organisations 222 and 333 I'm using assume role. Now I have CodeCommit repository in organisation 222. Is it…
1 answer

AWSCodeCommit: ReadOnly is available, but not FullAccess

I am trying to setup a Git Repo on an AWS Gov. Cloud by following these instructions. As part of the instructions, I need to add Permissions "AWSCodeCommitFullControl" to a user. When I try to find the policy in "Filter Policies", I can find…
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0 answers

Issue with AWS Codecommit branches

We have many repositories in codecommit, but recently one of our main repositories (the one with work the most) has been presenting problems with it's branches. Many of the branches does not work, when tried to visualize the branch content it gets…
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1 answer

Setting up an architecture for analyses flows of time stream data from multiple sources

What would be the best practice in terms of AWS for the following: Many IOT medical devices gather data at around 256kBps The data is a time series data (a matrix of [Channels X Samples], there can be millions of samples and dozens of…
0 answers

storage:link not working properly while deploying laravel application to elastic beanstalk via codecommit

I am using Elastic Beanstalk environment to host my Laravel application. And I'm using CodeCommit as codesource when I'm deploying. Lastly, I'm using an init.config file inside .ebextensions folder to automatically run some commands for my EC2…