Questions tagged [asp-classic]

The (usually-IIS-hosted) ASP3 platform

The Application Server Page 3 server-side web application scripting platform.

111 questions
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IIS Removal of Server information header

I have written the following url rewrite module to remove server version information in response header.
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Visual Studio's Just-In-Time Debugger window appears in randomly chosen RDP Session

On a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server with Remote Desktop Services installed and multiple users logged on, the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger window may appear on any RDP session, not necessarily the session whose actions caused the error. The…
1 answer

Classic asp site, randomly slow DB connection

We are running a site with classic asp and ASP.NET MVC 4 (C#) side by side. During high traffic, database queries are running really slow in the asp pages. At the same time, in the same site, C# pages are always connecting normally to the same…
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What's the Azure equivalent (if any) of %IIS_BIN%\asp.dll?

For the short-term we need to support a Classic ASP app on our site which is hosted in Azure. However, we also need to support redirecting a client's old ASP pages to the new routes. It's a multitenant site so we're not using IIS rewrites for…
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Server.CreateObject Failed in Classic ASP IIS 10

I installed our web application on a new Windows 10 machine, which uses IIS 10. Our app is 32-bit so I set the app pool to use 32-bit and I also set the web app folder to allow "EVERYONE" full control. The create object is failing on a DLL we wrote…
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Issues related to Migration of windows server 2003 to windows server 2008 r2

We are trying to migrate windows server 2003 to windows server 2008 for our application. During migration process, we are facing some of the issues related to configuration and windows based configuration as architecture is totally different in 2003…
1 answer

Why does my Classic ASP website keep losing it's session?

Good Morning, We have recently moved from a server to a VPS with an external supplier, both computers are running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. However since I moved it to the new server when you attempt to checkout and login it loses the…
Shaun S
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Adding ASP v1 support to IIS6

I have IIS6 running Win2003 Server and (unfortunately) I need to get one terribly old code base running on it. It uses classic ASP v1 and it appears that this particular box has no support for it in IIS6. Hence my question - how do I add one?
Alex N
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why is my iis 7.5 creating multiple ASPSESSIONID cookies in classic asp?

I have Windows Home Server 2011 SP1 64bit. It's running IIS 7.5 and has a classic asp app on it. I'm getting per-client slowdowns every now and then. By this I mean that one specific browser will behave as if the server is not found. Other browsers…
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IIS 7.5 + Classic ASP + Forms Auth = memory leak?

When I implement the section titled "TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE INTEGRATED PIPELINE" from the document below, memory usage counters for the w3wp.exe process increases with request to the classic asp test page. I am looking at Commit, Working Set,…
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2 answers

Upgrade to IIS7 from IIS6 to improve application performance

I have an ASP Classic application that runs currently in IIS6, but often due to the original programmer not following "best practices" this application throws an Out of Memory error after several hours. Originally, I had asked this question on…
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Removal or Update of .NET on Win2003 Server

G'day, A two pronged question for you all... Here at work, we've prematurely put .NET 3.5 on our production server (Win 2003, which previously it had no .NET at all). Ever since, every time we apply windows updates have been restarting IIS. (Which…
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IIS 7.5 using Classic ASP converts a boolean value to a string in the local language

I have a Classic ASP application running on a workstation with a Danish version of Windows 7 with IIS 7.5. The problem: When the application writes a boolean as a string, it will write "True" or "False" on an English server. However, on my Danish…
Niels Brinch
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2 answers

Enable ASP classic logging to event log

I thought my need was pretty simple, but I couldn't find a solution... How can I make ASP-classic errors appear in Windows Event Log ? I need it on Windows-server-2000 and Windows-Server-2003. Regards, Frédéric
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Classic ASP Page Running Longer Than Server.ScriptTimeout

We have an issue where we are seeing ASP pages run for 30-45 minutes even though the Server.ScriptTimeout value is 90 seconds. We have even verified this by printing to the page the value of Server.ScriptTimeout to make sure we are not changing the…
Steve Evans
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