Questions tagged [apache-2.2]

Version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

OFF-TOPIC WARNING: Apache version 2.2 reached end-of-life with the final release of version 2.2.34 in July 2017. No further evaluation of security risks will be published for 2.2.x releases, and Apache users should immediately transition to version 2.4.x. Because Apache 2.2 is unsupported, most, if not all, questions regarding Apache 2.2 will be off-topic on ServerFault.

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular Open Source Web server.

This tag should be used for questions specific to version 2.2 of Apache HTTPD. For more general Apache HTTP Server related questions, you should use the Apache2 tag instead.

Apache is very well documented and most functionality is described in detail within this documentation. Specific documentation is available for Version 2.2

If you are asking a question on Server Fault about Virtual Hosts, can you please include the output of either:

# Debian Linux and its derivates
apache2ctl -S
# Most other UNIX/Linux distributions
apachectl -S
# Non UNIX/Linux distributions or if you are unable to find apachectl
httpd -S 

Including this will involve in a much faster answer to your question, as no doubt the first thing people will ask for is that output.

For questions about Apache 2.4 please use

17250 questions
1 answer

What does Apache do with loaded modules when a file is modified?

I am writing on an Apache module which currently runs on 2.2.22. The module runs scripts written in a new programming language, and for optimization, it caches the results of the parsing for successive uses. Since the cached parsing should be…
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Apache: can ErrorLog be made to log also hostnames instead of IP addresses?

Having different Apache servers in a low-load intranet with almost only DHCP clients, we need to log hostnames instead of IP addresses. As the DHCP environment is quite dynamic, any later attempt to remap IPs to hostnames would most likely yield…
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1 answer

Apache hangs for five seconds with FallbackResource when accessing `/`

I'm running a standard installation of Apache 2.4.6 (Amazon) with PHP 5.4.21 using the following configuration for my virtual host: DirectoryIndex index.php # ... FallbackResource /index.php My index.php is the epitome of simple:
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2 answers

CentOS“-bash: a2enmod: command not found”

when I configured pnp4nagios,the following questions happened. PHP GD extension→ PHP GD extension not available PHP zlib extension→ PHP zlib extension not available PHP socket extension→ PHP socket extension not available Apache Rewrite Module→ …
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2 answers

Reserve one http slot for /server-status?

I have an Apache server which is hanging for some reason. When I normally want to check on the load of an Apache server, I tend to use mod_status via the URL at or from the commandline like service httpd…
Stefan Lasiewski
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1 answer

Apache forbidden with dot in url

I am trying to access url: I know that this file definitely exists and correct permissions for reading: /data/images/.mthumbs/thumb-image.png But when I view in url apache give forbidden…
John Magnolia
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1 answer

How to configure Varnish not to cache a particular folder?

I would like to set up Varnish as reverse proxy cache for Apache. How can I setup Varnish so that it does not cache content from a particular folder (and its subfolders), let's say /public_html/shop/
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2 answers

mod_security not actually blocking requests despite rule trigger & returning 403

I've pulled my finger out and installed mod_security to protect our WHMCS installation (a PHP based billing system) from some of the more obvious SQL injection attacks to try and minimise our susceptibility to being hit in the window of opportunity…
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3 answers

Find uptime of 'apache2'

How can I find the uptime of Apache2. There are numerous suggestions out there to use httpd fullstatus But this fails -bash: httpd: command not found There is no httpd command running in top either, just an apache2 process. I also tried (without…
Jake N
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2 answers

solr reverse proxy Apache2

I am trying to setup Apache2 as Reverse Proxy for solr. Apache and Solr are on the same machine. Apache is serving other stuff as regular web server, too. solsearch config file in /etc/apache2/config.d/ # Proxy specific settings ProxyRequests…
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2 answers

Installing Phusion Passenger 4.0.20 on Ubuntu 13.10

So I'm trying to install Passenger on the newest version of KUbuntu (13.10). I installed Apache2 using the apache2-mpm-worker package using the Muon Package Manager. And these are the commands I ran. rvmsudo gem install passenger rvmsudo…
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3 answers

Foward slash in kibana 3 query

I'm trying to add a query that will match a request that ends with a slash, like this one: n.n.n.n - - [16/Oct/2013:16:40:41 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 25058 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like…
G Mawr
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1 answer

Varnish + Tomcat vs Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat

Does anyone have some performance metrics for Varnish in front of 1) Tomcat or 2) Apache with mod_jk (connected to Tomcat). I know that the AJP connector is supposedly faster than HTTP, but I was thinking that Varnish which is lighter and highly…
Adrian Ber
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3 answers

service httpd restart failure on aws amazon linux ami

Thanks for your help. I recently did the following: Ran sudo yum update on my ec2 instance running the Amazon Linux ami I then added a virtual host to my vhost.conf for a subdomain. While the server is still accessible, When I ran sudo httpd…
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2 answers

How do you use Apache SetEnvIf with cookie values?

I'm trying to control apache based on cookie values, but I can't seem to get SetEnvIf to work with HTTP_COOKIE. I've boiled this down to some simple logic to isolate the issue and be easy to test. Apache 2.2.22 on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. What I'm using…
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