Questions tagged [apache-2.2]

Version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

OFF-TOPIC WARNING: Apache version 2.2 reached end-of-life with the final release of version 2.2.34 in July 2017. No further evaluation of security risks will be published for 2.2.x releases, and Apache users should immediately transition to version 2.4.x. Because Apache 2.2 is unsupported, most, if not all, questions regarding Apache 2.2 will be off-topic on ServerFault.

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular Open Source Web server.

This tag should be used for questions specific to version 2.2 of Apache HTTPD. For more general Apache HTTP Server related questions, you should use the Apache2 tag instead.

Apache is very well documented and most functionality is described in detail within this documentation. Specific documentation is available for Version 2.2

If you are asking a question on Server Fault about Virtual Hosts, can you please include the output of either:

# Debian Linux and its derivates
apache2ctl -S
# Most other UNIX/Linux distributions
apachectl -S
# Non UNIX/Linux distributions or if you are unable to find apachectl
httpd -S 

Including this will involve in a much faster answer to your question, as no doubt the first thing people will ask for is that output.

For questions about Apache 2.4 please use

17250 questions
1 answer

Apache Reverse Proxy Unescapes URL

I am running Apache 2.2.15 as a reverse proxy in my DMZ. I have an application on the internal network that I make available on the Internet for staff to use by going through the reverse proxy. As part of this application staff can see messages…
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Can Apache .htaccess convert the percent-encoding in encoded URIs from Win-1252 to UTF-8?

I want to add a directive in my .htaccess, such that if the browser is pointed at a URI containing %E4 (ä) - or any other special character - the .htaccess automatically rewrites %E4 (ä) as %C3%A4 (ä). In summary, I want .htaccess to convert…
2 answers

Can an Apache proxy send one request to multiple servers?

We would like to send the request received by an Apache proxy to all of a set of downstream servers (in fact, also proxies, but I don't think this matters). We know that all but at most one of these requests will fail, for a variety of reasons…
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Multiple websites on multiple servers - seperate mysql or not

I currently have 2 Debian servers (VPS with 4 GB memory) and am hosting a variety of websites of differing importance: some are production sites, while others are demo/staging/test sites. Approximately 15-20 websites, one of which will have a fair…
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Apache kerberos authentication to Active Directory not happening. (Is KRB5KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN related?)

My goal is to have Apache authenticate authenticate against AD, without prompting for a username and password, using Kerberos. It currently always shows "401 Unauthorized", and appears to be not trying Kerberos. I can't find any error logs, and can…
4 answers

Using iptables without root privileges

When running the following script as user ec2-user, I get the error message iptables v1.4.18: can't initialize iptables table filter: Permission denied (you must be root) Script: #!/bin/sh # Offending IP as detected by mod_evasive # Add the…
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4 answers

How to run multiple webservers on one IP/port combo?

I bought a Slicehost VPS (the cheapest, 256MB one, running Ubuntu) because I'm interested in expanding my web development experience/understanding beyond the classroom. I'm hoping to have the Slicehost run (1) a blog, (2) a wiki I can use for…
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Cookie Authentication in Apache

I'm trying to set up a reverse proxy in Apache. The user will be required to log in, and will then be sent a cookie. I want Apache to check the cookie. Is there a way to do this? EG, right now my config looks like this: #…
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Setting up IPv6 on Apache2

Currently I have the "ports.conf" with the following content: NameVirtualHost *:80 Listen 80 Listen 443 NameVirtualHost *:443 Listen 443 So to add IPv6 I have to…
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Apache2 enable .ini mod in /etc/php5/mods-available

One can use the a2enmod [module] command to enable mods located in /etc/apache2/mods-available. But what about mods in /etc/php5/mods-available? When I try to enable a mod in this directory (eg. xdebug), I get the following error: ERROR: Module…
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wget fetching wrong ssl certificate

If I go to this URL go looking for the ssl certificates, then I see a valid (wildcard) certificate for our domain If I go tho this URL…
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Apache: Proxy based on URL suffixes

My team has written an internal BI server, which generates HTML reports at links such as /users/daily or /updates/questions. The server is written in Grails, and it works perfectly with a classic Apache-Tomcat setting: ProxyPass / …
Adam Matan
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Session lost in tomcat uing nginx as proxy

I have several applications in a tomcar server. I am using nginx for proxy so i can achieve acceding the application from a subdomain tomat:8080/app1 > tomat:8080/app2 > I set up a reverse proxy: server { …
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mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot after software upgrade

I'm on a shared hosting plan with a Wiki and a Bulletin Board installation. After upgrading the Wiki to the latest release my users are not able to upload files with the integrated "media manager" anymore. Server logs show: mod_fcgid: can't apply…
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1 answer

Password protect vhost virtual document root

I have the following setup for automatically generating subdomains/virtual document roots configured in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (running on Debian 7.0) ServerAlias * UseCanonicalName Off VirtualDocumentRoot…
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