Questions tagged [amazon-lightsail]

Virtual Private Server (VPS) platform from Amazon Web Services

Amazon Lightsail is a simplified and minimalistic Virtual Private Server (VPS) platform, part of the Amazon Web Sevices infrastructure.

NOTE: Since there are a number of OS options available on Lightsail, it will help people answer your question if you indicate what blueprint you are using.

99 questions
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Why can't I connect to my Amazon Lightsail instance using {ip-address}+{port-number} in my browser? Firewalls seem to be set correctly

I have set up a new Amazon Lightsail instance with the intention of running a few things such as a VPN and Resilio Sync server. I have also set up an instance (or "droplet") with Digital Ocean to compare the two services. So far, although DO has…
1 answer

How do I set up Fail2Ban on an Amazon Lightsail Debian instance, when it has its own firewall?

This is a very basic question, but all the answers I can find either relate to WordPress installs or Bitnami installs. I have a plain Debian instance running Nginx. I would like to set up Fail2Ban. The problem is that Lightsail seems to have its…
1 answer

Why is nginx not working with my subdomain A record on LightSail?

I have an Ubuntu machine on LightSail which serves static files with nginx. I would like to a subdomain so I've added an A Recording pointing to the IP of the machine named My nginx site configuration files is defined as server…
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Why does running a containerized app with AWS Lightsail cost twice as much as using a virtual server?

As per , running a lightsail VPS with 512 MB Memory, 1 Core Processor costs $3.50 a month. However, in that same link it shows that the lowest cost of containerized app on the service is twice as much at…
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Is this a normal number of database connections?

Check out this graph of my database connections. I am running a Postgres database on Lightsail, and I am connecting to it from a single Ubuntu instance running a single instance of Express and Sequelize. While I'm very comfortable with all of this…
0 answers

CentOS instance on Amazon Lightsail "bricked" out of the blue, how to resolve?

My CentOS 7 instance on Amazon Lightsail (AWS) will suddenly no longer respond to SSH. Even the "Connect Using SSH" button on the Lightsail site shows me only a blank black screen. I have rebooted, stopped / started, no change. Amazon offers zero…
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How to host two websites on one AWS lightsail instance

I'm quite new to this whole website thing and I'm looking for some guidance on how to configure bitnami apache so I can have two websites on the same server. I have a domain (which i'll call using route53 and pointed it to my lightsail…
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nginx not displaying correct page when navigating to ok when just

I'm trying to deploy nginx / gunicorn / flask on ubuntu and all seems to be working when I navigate to "" but when i go to "" i get the defualt splash screen for nginx. nginx is setup as below. server { server_name…
Lewis Morris
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How do I track down a mysql memory issue on a server running a single WordPress site?

I'm having a weird issue. A few times a week, a website I'm running on Amazon Lightsail comes to a crashing halt and becomes IO bound (I can't usually use ssh when this happens) and the server runs out of memory. It's a lightly trafficked site with…
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2 answers

AWS lightsail Bitnami Wordpress Permissions 101

I'm new and find it a struggle to work with the permissions settings on AWS lightsail bitnami Wordpress. I don't understand why do I have permissions restrictions despite login in as bitnami root user? I use Cyberduck and login as bitnami with SSH…
1 answer

Sync load balanced AWS Lightsail with multiple instances

I am planning to load balance AWS Lightsail with multiple instances. Is it possible to auto sync files in main instance to another sub instances? I would like to make easier to update themes and plugins when handling multiple instances.
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Should I compile Node.js from source on an Amazon Lightsail smallest instance?

I'm using the cheapest Amazon Lightsail instance to set up an Nginx + Node.js server. I have compiled Nginx successfully already, however it's taking too long to compile Node.js. Is this is even a good practice to compile Node.js from source? Should…
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Lightsail LAMP - Virtual Hosts stopped working after adding SSL

After hours and hours of efforts on research, I'm posting this. I'm trying to add a domain and its sub-domain on a single static IP created in LAMP instance in Amazon Lightsail, and add Let's Encrypt SSL certificate to both. Before adding SSL, I had…
0 answers

Force https traffic on Bitnami lightsail aws

I want to make sure I get this right before messing anything up. According to [bitnami docs found here][1] to force HTTPS I should go to this file: /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/bitnami/bitnami.conf When I get here the current file has this for virutal…
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DDoS & Amazon Lightsail Load Balancing

One of the sites I host on Amazon Lightsail recently became victim of a DDoS attack. I've been able to fend it off using Cloudflare's "I'm under attack" mode. I'm wondering if load balancing would have help deal with the attack. Should I create a…
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