Questions tagged [500-error]

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error indicates that the web server could not complete processing of a request due to an internal misconfiguration or unrecoverable error.

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error indicates that the web server could not complete processing of a request due to an internal misconfiguration or unrecoverable error.

209 questions
4 answers

Testing htaccess for 500 server error without actual error

After reading some tutorials, I have created an error file, that should be displayed instead of 500 server error. I have added it to domain's root and added the following line to the bottom of .htaccess: ErrorDocument 500 /error.html Now the…
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2 answers

IIS 8.5 - getting error when returning static 404 file

IIS8.5 > Sites > mysite > Error Pages > 404 Select "Insert content from static file into the error response". Uncheck "Try to return the error file in the client language". Enter path to "notfound.html", I've verifieed it is there. When I visit a…
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7 answers

500 - Internal server error NOT appearing in error.log (or access.log)

I'm trying to track down a bug or mis-configuration on our new Debian web server running a PHP/MySQL driven website with apache. I won't bug you with the gory details here but just want to ask: Did anyone out there ever observe the web browser…
Roman Blöth
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1 answer

Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007 / causing error 500?

I am getting these errors on some pages in my site (php/apache/linux/mysql vps) on intervals and can't seem to find any reproducible scenario : Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007 or Handler for (null) returned invalid result…
Sherif Buzz
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1 answer

nginx error page and internal directives not working as expected

I'd like to setup my nginx server to return a specific error page on HTTP 50x status codes, and I'd like this page to be unavailable by a direct request from users (e.g., http//mysite/internalerror). For that, I'm using nginx's internal directive,…
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0 answers

ManagedPipelineHandler - IIS 8.5 intermittent error 500

on our production server we suddenly have intermittent error 500, checking the failed request log I can see the following, but it doesn't help me too much, I can't see where the problem is. Is it something related to cache? Or…
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1 answer

Apache not displaying custom 500 error page for php errors

Apache does not want to display a custom error document that I have setup. In my vhost I have DocumentRoot /var/www/site/public ... ErrorDocument 500 /500.html The 500.html is located in /var/www/site/public/500.html To test this I have…
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0 answers

Pyramid + Nginx + uWSGI Server 500 Errors

I have a uWSGI application written in Python using the Pyramid framework. Nginx is configured like below (I left out a few bits, but I don't think they will matter): upstream uwsgicluster { server; } # Proxying…
1 answer

How to fix "The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout" on Windows 8 Pro?

How to fix "The FastCGI process exceeded configured activity timeout" on Windows 8 Pro? Installed FileMaker 12 Advanced Server on Windows 8 Pro box A long running script generates: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error C:\Program Files…
joshua paul
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1 answer

What is the difference between TRIGGER_STATUS and FINAL_STATUS for HTTP request status codes in IIS 7.5?

I'm looking at a server running IIS 7.5 that is throwing generic HTTP 500s for some requests, with no further error reporting or substatus code evident anywhere. So I enabled Failed Request Tracing and the trace report for the failing requests shows…
James Lupolt
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2 answers

500 error after mod_fcgid error

I have this error on my sever: [Mon Feb 27 09:56:03 2012] [error] mod_fcgid: process /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web111/.php-fcgi-starter(7847) exit(communication error), get unexpected signal 11 And then get 500 error. What can i do…
Oleg Abrazhaev
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1 answer

Apache 500 when proxying URLS with %20 via mod_proxy

We are receiving a 500 out of Apache while proxying calls to tomcat when there is an encoded space in the URL. We are migrating an application that ran fine on a J2EE container which had an older, integrated version of Apache (1.x), but as soon as…
Matt Franklin
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2 answers

PHP Woes - 500 Internal Server Error (brand new server)

Anyone ever seen these errors, or something like it? /usr/bin/php: error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory [warn] UID of script "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.PHP" is…
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1 answer

LAMP: Custom 500 error page - is it actually possible?

As the Question title suggests, I want to setup a custom 500 error. In fact, I want to use a .php file for the error, and ideally send a 503 response (SE Reasons). The problem is that the only way I know to generate a 500 response is via .htaccess,…
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3 answers

FastCGI Error when installing PHP on IIS7.5

I'm trying to install MediaWiki on a Win2008r2 server, but can't manage to install PHP. Here's what I did: Grabbed a Zip archive of PHP and unzipped it into C:\PHP. Created two subdirs: c:\PHP\sessiondata and c:\PHP\uploadtemp. Granted modify…
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