My domain is not working and show this when i visit it:

enter image description here My domain should work even with ssl and is:


And my DNS are configure like this: enter image description here

My primary DNS pointing as CNAME is ns1.vuelosenglobos.mx and i use it like this because i don't use static public ip because mine change everyday so thats why i use a CNAME Right now ns1.vuelosenglobos.mx resolve which is actually my server ip right now.

So, what i'm doing wrong? Why my domain it's not working. I left pass 4 hours until now, so i think i gave really enough time to wait dns refresh.

For example, i have the same dns settings to another domain which works perfectly on this same server with this dns (www.festivaldeglobos.mx):

enter image description here


I have descubreteotihuacan.com configured in godaddy like the next image to get a link between my domain and my server:

enter image description here


I was trying to make a ping with cmd and i got this:

enter image description here

For some reason this is returning a wrong public ip.

So, i've checked in DNS Propagation Checker and looks that in some countries my domain is taking the good real ip, while in other some doesn't

enter image description here

Fernando Torres
  • 115
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  • What is your issue? What do you see/what should you see? Note your very first screenshot show both an A and a CNAME record defining www.descubreteotihuacan.com records, same thing in the second screenshot for www.festivaldeglobos.mx. That sounds wrong. You either have one CNAME, or 1+ A records. Both A and CNAME should not be valid. When in doubt, mxtoolbox.com is usually a good starting point. – SYN Dec 31 '19 at 19:25
  • 1
    yeah,, i know CNAME and A record won't be valid, so as you can see in my godaddy dns settings i just added CNAME record so i don't know where A record is coming from, i'll edit my question being more clear about my issue – Fernando Torres Dec 31 '19 at 19:28
  • ok, edited my question, could you see it? – Fernando Torres Dec 31 '19 at 19:30
  • As far as I can see, right now, I'ld say it works: www.descubreteotihuacan.com resolves to ns1.vuelosenglobos.mx, then to – SYN Dec 31 '19 at 19:31
  • oh, yeah. Makes perfect sense. Your browser is looking for descubreteotihuacan.com. You don't have an A (nor CNAME) record there. – SYN Dec 31 '19 at 19:31
  • Thanks @SYN I don't know why but from my side visiting https://www.descubreteotihuacan.com or http://www.descubreteotihuacan.com i'm not seeing anything, i'll update my image in the question – Fernando Torres Dec 31 '19 at 19:37
  • visiting http://www.descubreteotihuacan.com/, I do have a Forbidden error, which would suggest your webserver does not allow me in, ... your DNS sounds allright – SYN Dec 31 '19 at 19:40
  • Let us [continue this discussion in chat](https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/102734/discussion-between-fernando-urban-and-syn). – Fernando Torres Dec 31 '19 at 19:43
  • thank you all, issue solved after a full conversation with @SYN and a really awaiting reponse for the dns cache, happy new year to everyone – Fernando Torres Dec 31 '19 at 22:48

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