From the documentation:

Use your favorite editor to edit the provided slapd.conf(5) example (usually installed as /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf) to contain a BDB database definition of the form:

  database bdb
  suffix "dc=<MY-DOMAIN>,dc=<COM>"
  rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=<MY-DOMAIN>,dc=<COM>"
  rootpw secret
  directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data

But, my domain is either or localhost,
What should I put instead of MY-DOMAIN and in COM ?

1 Answers1


You can put whatever you want. Suffix has nothing to do with what IPs/interfaces slapd listens on. Suffix is the top level of the data tree, it doesn't have to be DNS/network names. Think of it as your database name. So while you could use:

suffix "dc=localhost,dc=localdomain"


suffix "dc=example,dc=com"

you could also use:

suffix "dc=my,dc=ldap"

You can have more than two parts if you want

suffix "dc=my,dc=ldap,dc=server"

  • 3,519
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  • Since dc explicitly means domain-component, and is for those new-fangled DNS users who think that Internet domains matter :) you could always revert to an old-style setup based on components other than dc=. This has the advantage of not causing confusion when systems try to locate servers with SRV records based on the dc path. – Phil P Jan 02 '10 at 02:46