I am unable to collect data on the LocalAdmins group on computers. When I check the log files, I get the error below. I am not sure what I need to do in order to get this data? Is it an issue with the MOF file that I imported?

<![LOG[Collection: Class "Win32_LocalAdmins" does not
exist.]LOG]!><time="15:26:27.400-60" date="10-01-2019"
component="InventoryAgent" context="" type="2" thread="13564"

Here is the MOF file:

[ SMS_Report (TRUE),
  SMS_Group_Name ("LocalAdmins"),
  SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|LocalAdmins|1.0"),
  Namespace ("root\\cimv2") ]
class Win32_LocalAdmins : SMS_Class_Template
    [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Account;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE)      ] string Domain;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE), key ] string Name;
    [SMS_Report (TRUE)      ] string Type; 
  • 493
  • 1
  • 6
  • 20
  • Can you provide the query you're using in your MOF file? – Aura Oct 01 '19 at 23:14
  • Hi, I have added the MOF file data to the post. – RLBChrisBriant Oct 02 '19 at 07:59
  • Can you try BLefevre's solution from the thread below? https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/c5ebcdc9-3772-4f57-97b5-f05804ef844f/collecting-all-users-with-admin-rights-on-sccm?forum=configmgrgeneral Also, the most popular way to achieve that query seems to be from Sherry Kissinger: https://tcsmug.org/blogs/sherry-kissinger/244-all-members-of-all-local-groups-configmgr-2012 – Aura Oct 02 '19 at 11:34
  • I modified the .mof file according to the article in the link and re-imported it. It doesn't seem to give an error in the InventoryAgent log, but if I try a query based on LocalUserAccounts then it still returns 0 results. – RLBChrisBriant Oct 02 '19 at 16:04
  • Sorry, I am actually getting the error still, but since I modified the MOF file and imported it, I now get: "Class "cm_LocalGroupMembers" does not exist.]LOG]!" – RLBChrisBriant Oct 04 '19 at 08:12

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