I need a traffic generator tool which I should be able to configure followings;

  • Number of Packets
  • Number of Sessions
  • Number of TCP, UDP packets
  • Average number of packets in a session
  • Average packet size
  • Standard deviation of packet sizes
  • Average of packet interval times
  • Standard deviation of packet interval time
  • Average connection duration of TCP flows
  • Generated packets per second

Is there a tool where I can configure all of these? If not, where should I begin, I think scapy can not handle high speeds.(I need very high numbers) Should I start writing it in C, C++?

Also packet per second

No N
  • 1
  • 1
    Suggest to have a look at Apache Jmeter, which is a very powerful tool for loadtesting. It has a TCP sampler available & should cover most of your needs. https://jmeter.apache.org/ – hargut Jul 07 '19 at 11:28
  • Thanks for the advice @hargut, I checked it out a little bit but couldn't see the things I can configure or not, can you point out which sections will cover my needs? Where should I focus? – No N Jul 07 '19 at 12:23
  • Jmeter is modular built and therefore very versatile. Modules to meet dome of your requirements can be: TCP Sampler, UDP Sampler, Thread Group, ... All of the jmeter framework can be used as well programatically using a Java (compliant) language. – hargut Jul 07 '19 at 13:14

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