I have read several posts and questions about KeepAlive but have not found any suitable for me.

I have a server with just one client (Trivago) doing hundreds of (hotel availability) requests per second. For each request, I have to request the price to a third party server. So the flow would be like this:

Trivago ask for availabilities and prices, I ask for them to a third party supplier, I receive them, do the PHP logic, and return a json response to Trivago.

Server details:

CentOS Linux 7
Plesk Onyx (uses nginx & apache)
4 cores

PleskPHP config php-fpm directives:

pm.max_children    250
pm.max_requests    1000
pm                 ondemand


ServerLimit           16
MaxClients           400
StartServers           3
ThreadsPerChild       25
ThreadLimit           64

Using this, I'm getting 12.5MB or RAM per process which, theoretically, allow me o have up to 500 processes running at once using 6GB of RAM:

ps -ylC httpd --sort:rss | awk '{sum+=$8; ++n} END {print "Tot="sum"("n")";print "Avg="sum"/"n"="sum/n/1024"MB"}'


  • Should I use KeepAlive? Since Trivago is doing hundreds of request, how do I determine if same 'open/stablished connection' is being used?

While other resources utilization looks consistent:

network cpu mysql RAM

apache memory usage looks like this:

Apache RAM

Am I wrong or is it caused by KeepAlive?

Those are graphs of low traffic hours, by the way. On high traffic hours Apache memory usage goes near 8GB limit.



This is marked as duplicate and yes, It may be duplicate but I'm a step ahead that question. I've already monitored the system, added traffic via JMeter, evaluated the results and remediated some things. Therefore, I will ask a simplier question:

  • Does the apache graph looks like I should set KeepAlive to off?

I understand the aproach here is to set it off and test it but since the server is in production now (I did not experienced this graph while using JMeter), I can't.

  • 101
  • 2
  • This is what performance testing is meant to find out. – Jenny D Jul 02 '19 at 13:32
  • Possible duplicate of [How do you do load testing and capacity planning for web sites?](https://serverfault.com/questions/350454/how-do-you-do-load-testing-and-capacity-planning-for-web-sites) – Jenny D Jul 02 '19 at 13:32
  • Thank you. That was one of the questions I've read. I already used JMeter to test 1000 simulatneus request but did not get the same graphs. Actually my question is quite simplier than it looks: does the apache memory usage graph looks like connections are keeping alive and unused? – Hache_raw Jul 02 '19 at 16:06

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