I have purchased the ssl certificate from the third party vendor. They have provide three files as mentioned below.

1) Certificate.crt, 2) ca_bundle.crt, 3) private.key.

I want to install above three files in keycloak and tomcat server.

How to convert above three files as myserver.jks file ?

Please help on this.

I am new to this

prasad p
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1 Answers1


The .jks is not a certificate file but a keystore. You can import the certificate using the keytool. You should be following the SSL/TLS Configuration HOW-TO in order to understand what you are doing, and why.

Usually you don't get the key from the CA, but create a CSR for them to sign. That way the vendor doesn't have access to your private key, which is an important security measure; despite they have granted you the certificate after validating you own the domain, they won't be able to decrypt your connections.

You can't import the key directly using the keytool, but you must convert the certificate and the private key into a PKCS 12 file first:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in certificate.crt -inkey private.key -name hostname -out cert-with-the-key.p12

Then, you can import it and the CA bundle:

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass [password] -destkeystore myserver.jks -srckeystore cert-with-the-key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12

keytool -import -alias bundle -trustcacerts -file ca_bundle.crt -keystore myserver.jks
Esa Jokinen
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