I have visualsvn server with many repository.

One of the team requested to exract few folders from project repository, But I am stuck while extracting it.

Here is the structure.

  |_____E012345-------------------Same_Parent_Folder_Name ( I dont why this folder was created)

Main and working are under E012345(Same as parent folder name)

I took the full dump of the repository, using command;

svnadmin dump E012345 > E012345_20191405.dump

and executed the below 2 commands for svndumpfilter, but it did not extract any data.

  1. svndumpfilter include E012345/E012345/Main < D:\filter\E012345_20191405.dump > D:\Main.dump

  2. svndumpfilter include E012345/Main < D:\filter\E012345_20191405.dump > D:\Main.dump

I know somewhere I am missing it. please help and guide me how to extract it,

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2 Answers2


I was able to extract using svndumpsanitizer tool.

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  1. Check if anything exist in full dump before filtering, because svnadmin dump PATH only must work, and even if E012345 is physical root of repository and you started dumping in it's parent, I'll expect to see ./E012345
  2. If you have data in dump, you can try to use --prefix for SVN 1.7+

  3. I think, svnrdump dump $URL will be better choice anyway, because you can create dump of any subtree of repo in just one command

Lazy Badger
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  • 1. Yes, data exist in dump, to verify, I created new repository and loaded it, its the same. 2. --prefix is not available also tried --pattern it did not work, I have visualsvn 2.0.8 with 1.6.6 will check it by upgrading it. 3. Yes, I took the dump by giving full path. – Caterpillar May 27 '19 at 11:55