
How to identify if an update installed on windows 7 from WSUS Server? I want to understand this from client side but not server side.


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1 Answers1


Run the following in the command line of Win 7 PC:

wuauclt /detectnow 

Then analyse the %windir%\WindowsUpdate.log file on the Windows Update client.

With default settings, this should be:


This log contains attempts of finding, dowlnloading and installing updates.

Section WSUS displays the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server that is available to the client. You should get something like this:

2018-10-16  08:13:05:414    1088    474 Agent     * WSUS server: http://SERVER_NAME
2018-10-16  08:13:05:414    1088    474 Agent     * WSUS status server: http://SERVER_NAME

If you see NULL instead of SERVER_NAME, then WSUS server is not being used.

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