I have an APC UPS connected to my synology nas and I am trying to get my mac (10.13) to connect to the 'network ups' of synology.

So far I've been trying to follow this guide:


And i've come so far as to have fink and findcommander installed. However this is where I seem to lose all info on how to proceeed:

  • I can't seem to find just "nut" on finkcommander, so what should i install ?
  • If i go to the fink site and get an overview of the nut archives, which should I download and what do I do with them ?
Kevin V
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1 Answers1


So it seems I was missing the point of fink a bit.

had to do:

sudo apt-get update
fink install nut

Updating the package lists with apt-get update also fixed finkcommander.

After installing nut (5mins) Setting up the config in /sw/etc/nut/ as found on the net uncommenting a line:

MONITOR ups@<ip of synology> 1 monuser secret slave

After which sudo upsmon still gave an error of a missing library. Error:

dyld: Library not loaded /sw/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

For this I installed openssl 1.0.2 using finkcommander (fink installed a version too high)

Then running sudo upsmon no error was given. Following https://community.netgear.com/t5/New-to-ReadyNAS/NUT-on-OSX-10-6-Sharing-a-UPS-with-ReadyNAS-and-Computers/td-p/661293 Showing 3 processes (one grep upsmon to be ignored):

ps aux | grep upsmon 

And finally showing me the info of the ups:

sudo upsc UPS@<ip of nas>

All that's left is auto starting upsmon on boot by adding the following : (credit https://superuser.com/questions/1228972/how-to-automatically-launch-nut-client-at-boot-on-macos/1358980#1358980). Edited to add "s" to LaunchDaemons.

sudo nano /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.networkupstools.upsmon.plist

and fill it with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Kevin V
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