In the settings for the Virtual Machine (Debian), I selected "allow https traffic". After installing Apache2, I tried to access the web server through https but it doesn't work.

What needs to be done to allow 443? Do I need to create a certificate by myself or is this all supposed to be automated?

This is the result of nmap localhost showing 443 working, but 443 doesn't work on Apache:

22/tcp  open  ssh
80/tcp  open  http
443/tcp open  https
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    It sounds like the problem might be at the application level, not the network level. In what way does HTTPS not work? Is the connection timing out, coming back with a bad response code, giving you certificate errors? – Joseph Montanaro Jun 08 '18 at 00:34
  • It turned out it was a certificate problem, I used a self signed certificate, which major browsers dont like. I'll be using this server for iOS receipt validation. Will this work with my self signed certificate? – alexx0186 Jun 08 '18 at 00:59
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    I highly doubt that iOS will be happy with a self-signed certificate. Fortunately, it's pretty easy these days to get a free certificate from somebody like [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/). Their software (Certbot) even has an Apache plugin. – Joseph Montanaro Jun 08 '18 at 02:29

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