I want to delete a tag from EBS volume using boto3/lambda. At this doc https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ec2.html#volume I see 'create_tags()' only. It is suitable for modifying tags and e.g. to set an empty value but I need to remove the tag completely.
I tried create_tags() using an empty value and just create_tags() with all tags I need to keep and excluding ones but it does not work: the tags I want to delete remain untouched.
tagRes = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region);
volume = tagRes.Volume(id);
tagsToKeep.append({'Key': tagName, 'Value': 'keep it'})
ret = volume.create_tags(
So, how to delete a tag from EBS volume?