Looking for a programmatic way (i.e. Outlook COM Object/MAPI etc.) to download the Global Address Book. I can do it via the Outlook GUI: File > Info > Account Settings > Download Address Book.

1 Answers1


Use Powershell from your workstation, I would try something like that

$filter = (Get-GlobalAddressList 'Default Global Address List').RecipientFilter

Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $filter | Select-Object Name,PrimarySmtpAddress | Export-CSV c:\GAL.csv -NoTypeInformation


get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | | get-user | select DisplayName,Phone,WindowsEmailAddress | export-csv c:\GAL-Export.csv -NoTypeInformation
  • 16,300
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  • Thanks -- your answer would use the Exchange PS module (and will work fine using it). However, I am looking to leverage the Outlook client for downloading the address book. – David_Springfield Mar 09 '18 at 20:04