Situation: Writing an automatic file sorter to search for files in iSCSI connected disks. My program will be sitting on a client machine (iSCSI initiator), connected to a server (iSCSI target).

Problem: I could use system calls to call on the system's (Linux) open-iscsi command. However, the open-iscsi package refused to install due to "incompatible kernel".

What I tried to do: Searched for iSCSI initiators written in Python (the language my program is written in). I found two - infi.iscsiapi and python-iscsi. Problem is, python-iscsi has not been updated in 2 years; and I had trouble getting infi.iscsiapi to work properly.

Question: Are there any other Python based iSCSI initiators that you know I am able to use?

Additional information: Feel free to suggest other methods of connecting to an iSCSI target through a Python script, or even using other languages. As long as the process of connecting to the iSCSI target can be automated + it can be called from a Python script, it is good enough for me.

Timothy Wong
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