I'm new to Openstack and I've one physical server with Xen installed on it .. My idea is : I want to use openstack in order to create compute instances on my server (Xen)

but actually i'm not sure about the right infrastructure for accomplishing that ..

As per my understood :

  • I'll create an instance on my Xen (DomU) in order to install Openstack controller (Horizon GUI)
  • I'll use Dom0 for Xen as a Compute node for creating the instances
  • I don't know what else to do

Is this infrastructure is right, safe and secure ?


  • I've to keep Dom0 as it's away from any thing
  • Keeping each Component for Opentack isolated on a separated Instance ?
  • Or i've to put the Openstack controller Outside the whole Xen container in order to use the server as a purely Compute

Appreciate your clarification

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    At least for the initial installation, the undercloud has to be outside the intended VM hosts. You can move it in later. – Michael Hampton Jan 30 '18 at 20:25
  • @MichaelHampton so you mean it's right to install both of the controller and the Compute on the same Dom0 ? – Jason4Ever Jan 30 '18 at 20:31
  • For a small little proof of concept you could certainly do that. It obviously won't be enough for production though. – Michael Hampton Jan 30 '18 at 20:33
  • @MichaelHampton thanks a lot, actually it's a type of learning the technology in addition to i'll create two or three Instances for small business use – Jason4Ever Jan 30 '18 at 20:34
  • Personally I would dump Xen and start over with a clean server and an [RDO](https://www.rdoproject.org/) installation with Packstack. While you _can_ use OpenStack with Xen, the learning curve is a lot higher, as KVM is the default hypervisor and Xen has a lot of idiosyncrasies. And you can easily move from Packstack to a production TripleO installation later if you want. – Michael Hampton Jan 30 '18 at 20:39
  • @MichaelHampton thanks a lot .. i moved to use KVM and now i've installed Openstack controller, keystone , horizon and working on installing the rest .. is this the right way ? or i've to use TripleO ? is it better in long term for maintenance and creating VMs? or i keep my way with Openstack directly and its components better ? what are the challenges that i may face if i used openstack directly ? your advice :) – Jason4Ever Feb 06 '18 at 17:58

1 Answers1


You have to make a clean install of Openstack, and select Xen as default hypervisor.

Aside from all-in-one proofs of concept (like packstack or devstack), you will need minimum two hosts: one controller node and one compute node (in the compute node is where the hypervisor will be located, in this case Xen).

  • Regarding the best way to install OpenStack, manually or using a "helper", I would really choose the second way. TripleO, Kolla (using Kubernetes), Ansible OpenStack, juju (from Cannonical) are splendid tools that can help you install and mantain an OpenStack installation. @Jason4Ever – José Castillo Lema May 07 '18 at 18:36
  • Forgot to mention crowbar from Suse – José Castillo Lema May 07 '18 at 18:38